
past three days

Three days quickly went by as the sky turned clearer with the sun shining down to Imperial. Liu Shan was the first to be discharged from the hospital, but he did not rest like he was told.

He sat on a bench outside of Imperial Military Hospital as his hands continuously dance over the keyboard of his laptop to hack every CCTV in Imperial in search of Chu Li Xiang.

Through each passing minutes a slender figure would run by him and he sighs.

"Boss, you need to rest. You just recovered."

Yue Ling's figure jogged through the empty paths that surround Imperial Military Hospital. She was still wearing the hospital clothes, but with running shoes.

She had long caught the attention of patients who came out for fresh air, but she did not care.

Right now, she needs to recover fast. If she wants to capture Chu Li Xiang, she cannot waste any time since he had a head start.

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