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Able to find the bathroom thanks to Lu Tian's help, Yue Ling felt like a drunk person sitting in front of the toilet as she vomits the food she consumed.

Inside the bathroom with her, Lu Tian squat down beside her and gently sooth her back with one hand while the other held her hair back from falling into the toilet.

It truly pains him to see his wife go through all this, but Ye Zhongwei had mentioned that it is normal for some women to go through this during pregnancy.

He swore inside, when the little brat comes out, he or she better love his wife for having to go through all of this.

Yue Ling breathes heavily as she finally feels herself feeling a little better after vomiting. She moves away from the toilet as Lu Tian's hand that was soothing her back reach for a towel and hands it to her then flushes the toilet.

"Thank You." She wipes her mouth and smiles apologetically to him, "I'm sorry for doing this to your parents…"

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