

Arriving at the Lu family household, Xu Long parked the car in the driveway. He glance at the rear view mirror to look at his boss.

Sitting in the rear seat, Lu Tian frown at the huge house out the window. His mother had called him and said it was important, but what could it be?

"Xu Long, if an hour pass and I have not come out, make an excuse for me."

Not waiting for a response, he opens the door and steps out, leaving a flabbergasted Xu Long behind.

Watching his boss leave, Xu Long sighed in pity for himself. Every time Lu Tian visits the Lu family home, he always has to make an excuse to get his boss out.

Sighing, he takes his phone out and scrolls through the calendar list.

"Let's see..... what excuse should I use... this one? No.. I used that the last time.. how about... no that won't do... Hmm...."

Lu Tian walks up the front door, he did not ring the door bell when it was suddenly opened. The house keeper looks at him and bows with politeness.

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