
My hopeless father, my strength I

//A/N: Mostly filler chapter. Aside from the first two parts of this chapter. The rest is either informational (about what Draco did while studying), or I just wanted to write it (Spoodermannn and Lokehhhhh!!! But Loki will have another appearance in the future. Distant-ish future). Next chapter, Draco will finally REALLY interact with the British Wizarding World. Yay Draco!//

Tom P.O.V.

Our flight to London was long and unnecessary. But my father's a no-maj, so there's no helping it.

Potter had agreed not to tell the ministry about my new pet, in exchange, I had to owl him at least once a week until I enter school.

Professor Kocoum gave me a book as a farewell gift. It was about the hand movements used to achieve the different spells. A very useful book as expected from a very thoughtful and learned teacher. I also had to promise him that I would keep practicing, and only the spells we had gone through, until I visit him again next summer.

The past two weeks had literally been hell on Earth. Not only did I have to deal with John, but prof. Kocoum wouldn't cut me slack. Instead, he even increased the speed and intensity of me lessons in order to prepare me for a whole year of self-practice.

I told him it was too much, but he insisted that it was still not enough. Honestly, some teachers are just so hardworking its hard to keep up.

So good news and bad news. I'm glad to find out that Stark industries owned buildings all around the globe, but I'm also disappointed that we owned only that. Buildings with penthouses. No personal houses. Quite disappointing I know.

So I insisted we buy some, and he let me choose and put it under my name.

Thus, here we are. In Stark Mansion at the Center of London, our temporary house, while Stark Manor, the one I designed myself, is being built near a cliff where I found the view to be decent. (I was also thinking of buying some property in Wiltshire close to Malfoy Mannor, but I'm not quite happy with the sizes of land being sold.) I was moving to the University dorms in a month so I decided to dedicate this time to healing my father's Au poisoning, and liver problems.

Alcoholism is a big problem in the wizarding community, but alcohol related illnesses aren't given our high tolerance due to our magic. Consequently, If I wanted to heal dad, I had to start from the very beginning and do everything on my own.

Thankfully, I was able to sneak out several times to buy the things I needed. This included two lab pets to test the effectiveness of my concoctions.

Time to begin operation heal dad!

. . . Wow. Operation heal dad?

. . .

I'm getting so immature.






Tony P.O.V.

Tom had always been a curious boy. Back in Malibu, I would always catch him sneaking into my lab or by study. I would also catch him emptying out the pantry and hoarding food in his room every other day or so.

There's also that thing he calls his pet. A lizard with fur! Can you image? I never would have imagined the day will come, when I would personally see a reptilian convergently develop a feature once exclusive to mammalians. But there she is. A beauty of nature.

Now however, I catch Tom doing the strangest of things. First, he bought a naked mole rat and a sheep. It took hours to explain to Pepper that it wasn't my sheep, but Tom's. I still think she doesn't entirely believe me.

And true to his word. Tom takes all of the alcohol in the house. I sometimes shudder at his creativity of showing his disapproval with my drinks. There was one time my 1904 bottle of Bruichladdich appeared 3 days after it went missing. I found the empty bottle next to a basin of grass soaked in the good stuff.

It was a strange sight, but very effective. I never bought any expensive or high percentage alcohol after that. And every time I smell alcohol, there is always a lingering grass scent.

The next time I saw his rat, it was almost as blue as hit pet lizard! It was very concerning but Tom didn't seem to mind it. In fact, he may be the one who made it blue. I do hope this doesn't count as animal cruelty.

Three days later. I saw it again! It was lying on top of his sheep and they were both lying down on the ground dead asleep with a distinct scent of alcohol. But I wasn't that worried; afterall, the rat was no longer blue. In fact, I would even go so far as to say that it had a healthy color!

The next 14 or so days that followed. My son can't seem to keep his pets on a leash. But I didn't help him. I couldn't bring myself to help him. It was so adorable watching my son run around the floor chasing after his pets who were stumbling around like gravity acted on them from various directions. I think they may even be drunk, but it can't be. Afterall, why would my son make his pet's drunk?

After three days, I could no longer find any sign of the rat and the sheep. When I asked my son about it, he said that he didn't need them anymore since his experiment succeeded.

I knew I should have been wary when he said that, but I still didn't doubt my son.

So when he prepared breakfast for me one unsuspecting Sunday morning, I didn't find anything strange. And it was. . . the best decision of my life.

So that day, my son came in my room holding a tray with a bowl of steaming porridge and a glass of protein shake. It was the most beautiful scene I have seen in my life and I loved my son very much. The porridge was also surprisingly good. When I asked him about it, he said Pepper taught him. My heart warmed at the thought of my cute son being taught how to cook by Pepper.

Then. . . it happened. Tom wouldn't stop urging me to drink the shake and it was. . . the worst tasting shake in my entire life. But my son wouldn't stop staring at my expectantly so I finished everything and commended him on his efforts.

The proud smile on his face made me forget all about the terrible tasting shake. I would do everything for this boy.

Then came the nauseated feeling which threatened to push all my guts out of my stomach. My son seemed prepared for this as he took a bucket out of nowhere.


I between coughs I asked him.

"What was *gag* in that drink?"

He didn't answer me and continued to sooth my back. I puked for a couple more seconds before he finally spoke.

"It should work. I also got rid of all the side effects and potential risks. Do you feel anything strange dad?"

"You mean If I feel anything other than a gigantic urge to puke my guts out? No."

Tom continued to soothe my back. "Good. Here dad, drink this after two hours! You should have flushed out the invasive Au and Pd poisoning by then. It will alleviate the puking feeling. Oh and I got you some Gatorade for your lost electrolytes. Ice Blizzard right? I remember you always bought this flavor."

I was about to get mad but I couldn't after seeing that innocent smile on his face. But. . . something was strange about what he said. Au and Pd poisoning? I glanced down at the bucket and only saw the colors silver and blue. Did he. . . Really remove the silver and palladium in my blood? But how? ? ? I don't even see any porridge! How???

I look back at my son and a wave of emotions ran through me. My son, my precious son. Observing him closer, I saw the bags under his eyes, the way some strands of his hair refused to participate with the rest. My perfect beautiful son looked so tired yet brilliant.

I love him so much. I promised myself that I would really do everything for him, even if he hadn't even asked. My son, you did this for your worthless father? I failed you so many times, yet you keep fixing all my mistakes. You aren't even 10 yet, and you gave me so much blessings. No, you yourself are the blessing to my life. A blessing that I didn't deserve but need so desperately.

I could feel a tear trickle down my cheek and leapt to hug him, my son.

"You didn't need to. But thank you. Thank you, son. Thank you so much."

More tears fell from my eyes but I couldn't be bothered to wipe them away. My hands and arms were busy embracing my son and patting his head. I will protect him, his genius, his innocence. I will never let his life be in danger ever again.

His soft laughter filled my ears, and I felt so elated, so complete and happy. There's just one thing left to do to complete his happiness, our happiness.

But before I could celebrate for long, I felt the demons push my stomach once more.


Tom slipped out of my embrace and grabbed the bucket I had placed down, shoving it towards my mouth.

*barf**gag*heave* *baaaarrff*

My son. You are such a blessing. I promise that I will make sure you are loved your entire life.

*cough**continues vomiting*





I'm not sure how to write Harry so please give me feedback!


Should I make harry a transmigrated character from a Drarry, Tomarry, or Timetravel!Harry fic?

a.) Yes, Drarry -> Draco will remain single but tons of innuendos. No PDA

b.) Yes, Tomarry -> Tons of misunderstandings that Draco is actually Tom Riddle. However, same situation as above

c.) Future Harry also travels to the past -> I might make him MOD to fit the story unless requested otherwise. More, but different, misunderstandings between Harry and Draco.

d.) No, Harry should remain canon.

e.) Others. Please express your thoughts in the comment section Thank you

Regardless of your choice I will still appreciate any and all feedback. That's why I asked for this poll to start with hahahha. Timelimit is when Harry appears. Its not too far off. I will write based on the majority vote. I'm cool with any result cause I love all results. ?. Love you guys

Current poll results: If the votes are a bit weird. That's because I'm counting it on two sites.

Drarry - 1

FemHarry - 1 (though I'm still thinking over this one and no promises)

//I made a terrible mistake. I accidentally deleted Chapter 21 (I had around 3000 words) and all the short story pieces (around 6-8000 words) I had in stock, so I'm making everything from scratch again. Very sorry, it was very stupid of me I know. I am undeserving as a Ravenclaw. However, I promise to make everything even better than the first time I wrote it. So hope you will still stay with me for a while, not too long. I have the last arc before Hogwarts all plotted out. Peace out. <3//

MoistJuicyLemoncreators' thoughts
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