
Chapter 42 Mew's gifts

" You are Mew...." Latios said or more like asked, wishing to confirm what he heard was right.

He isn't so trusting but his sister Latias is too trusting and gullible, she easily trusted her.

She gave up her invisibility and floated around Mew, she nuzzled at Eevee and said curiously, " But you are so different. Last time I saw you, you were pink Pokemon with big eyes and a long tail.

How did you change and become a brown Pokemon with soft fur and a fluffy tail?" She is a very curious Pokemon who often seek out from her hideout, the secret garden to play.

This can be seen from her current actions.

Her brother though nature still isn't as mature as he will be years later. He too lowered his invisibility and lowered his guards to scold his sister for her recklessness.

" Latias, how can you do that? She is probably fooling you, how can she be Mew? And, she is another pokemon called Eevee. "

He then point towards Alex and commented, " This human must have used his Eevee to say she is Mew so we can lower our guard.

When we are defenseless he will attack us and catch us in that accursed ball in which these despicable humans trap the other pokemons. "

The one who is the target of Latios's contempt just looks at their floating forms.

Although the two Eon pokemons looks similar, there are some difference in their appearance. Both of them show sexually dimorphism.

Latios is a Pokemon with a bird-like body stylized after a plane. Its body flows slowly into a thick neck, giving it a bulky appearance. It has no legs, usually floating instead. Most of its body is blue, with white areas near its arms and a white stripe on its back that extend up to its head.

It's Jet-plane wings sit on top of its back, while two tall, jagged fins point behind it from its rear. A red triangle marks the center of its chest, while a blue mask partially covers its face. Long, ear-like fins extend from its jaws to over its head, and its eyes are red. It has three-fingered arms with a blue covering on the outer side of the lower arms. 

On the other hand, Latias is Pokémon with a bird-like body stylized after a plane. Its long neck stretches forward from its squat body. It has no legs, usually floating instead.

The rear half of its body is largely red and the upper half white, with jet-plane wings high on its rear and fins on the bottom near its tail. A blue triangle marks the center of its chest, while a red mask partially covers its face. Ear-like fins sit on top of its head and its eyes are yellow. It has short, three-fingered arms with a red covering on the outer side of the lower arm.

Latios is larger in size, has red triangle mark on the center of the chest whereas Latias is comparatively shorter with blue triangular mark on the center of the chest.

" You dropped your camouflage too, Latios." Alex said with a deadpanned look when he saw Latios scolding his sister Latias ignoring everyone around them.

These words have brought the scolding to a halt and they looked at each other. Then they started panicking.

" Are they always like this?" Alex asked Mew while his eyes still fixed on the frantic pair of Eon pokemons

Mew doesn't seem to care about it and simply said, ' They are but a child. They have much to learn. Their father died a few years ago so there is no one who can help them.

So they are so clueless and have no idea how to act against strangers except for hiding. '

Alex just shook his head when he heard it and then asked her, " Why don't you teach them that?"

Mew pouts now and grumbled, " I wanted to but Groudon, Kyogre, Rayquaza stopped me. They said if I teach them then they will become a troublemakers like me.

And others joined to bully me. Why are they so cruel to me? They believe I cannot teach young pokemons. I can teach them, I am teaching your pokemons, but they don't want me to?'

After that she thought the sinister expression on her face as she looked at Alex with a shine in her eyes , 'Since you don't like me to teach them then I will do something which will make you regret it.'

' Why didn't you help them? If you do it, it will helpful for you. I can get you something which can help your pokemons later.' Mew offered a tempting offer to Alex.

Mew is someone who can really get some precious things if she wished to. Although Alex has a pretty lucky journey so far with all the precious things he got, his berry reserves are mostly due to Mew.

She has procurred some rare berries which he has planted in the orchard. They haven't been fully grown but after they do grow, he will not have to worry about lack of money, unless he raise nearly a dozen snorlax.

She also gave him a feather of Ho-ho and a ack cloth which she said has the power of Darkrai.

The feather is in the hands of Charmeleon and the black cloth with misdreavus. Misdreavus liked her gift very much and she does not allow anyone to touch it.

" So what will I get this time?" Alex directly asked. It is better to bargain with her directly when she wished him to do something. That way he is rewarded better.

' A light ball for pikachu.' Mew said directly.

This put him in thoughts when she said it is a light ball.

A light ball is a very special prop made especially for Pikachu line. It can only be used by a Pikachu or Raichu.

The reason is that a Light ball is something only a dying Pikachu or raichu can create. Before their death they fuse the two electricity generating pouches on their cheeks and form a light ball, whoch can increase the attack power of a Pikachu or raichu.

The stronger the Pokemon is more powerful is it's effect.

Alex doesn't doubt she will give him a weak light ball. So he is ready to agree.

After he agreed Mew explained him what a good deal he won this time.

She explained ir more like bragged about it, ' This raichu is someone who had lightning bolt ability like your Pikachu and has absorbed the lightning of zapdos, Raikou and even Zekrom.

Before his death he was a psuedo Emperor level Pokemon. He created it and gave it to me so I can give it to a powerful Pikachu who can use it well.

With it your Pikachu can at least reach king level and even champion if you wish to take him to that level.'

Alex was very happy with this deal he made with Mew and it seems like Mew isn't done.

' This is the initial payment. After you help them train in their powers, I will get you the feather of an Altaria.

That altaria was taught by Xerneas in the past. It even became a champion level Pokemon. It become almost invincible against the dragon pokemons.

In it's pride, it angered rayquaza and died in the battle. With that, she too can have some power enhancement like pikachu.'

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