
chapter 19 New life

Alex's hand formed a fist which hit Ben hard enough on his head to swell and said," look at him, Ben. Does he seem like he attack you. You had spent nearly half an year time together since we moved here and yet you are scared just because he evolved and his appearance is scary.

Is that how you want to be a trainer? Is that how you will be better trainer than me? There are more than hundreds of pokemons whose appearance is intimidating after evolution.

Look at Clara, she is a girl but she isn't scared. And yet you are scared of a friend. If this is how you will be then I should prohibit you from becoming a trainer, how will you grow.

You may dump every pokemon who are scary abd how will you survive out there without them? Do you think that the rest of your pokemons will respect you and also follow you that.

They will leave you at the first chance they get. It is easy to break the trust once but it takes a long time to recover back the broken trust and even then it might not be repaired."

" I am sorry Alex." Ben mumbled when lowering his head and he was guilty for his action.

Alex expression didn't soothe and he still had a hard look directed at his brother," it isn't me who you should apologize to."

Ben then turned and looked at the still trapped Tentacruel. Ben was still scared and any person or pokemon could see that but he steeled his heart, stepped forward and touched the body of tentacruel.

He hugged his body. This surprised everyone and something dawned on to Alex. Ben told tentacruel," I am sorry. I will not act like that again. I was just surprised and thought something happened to you. I didn't know you had evolved and thought you were gone forever.

Slowking later told me that it was you who evolved and I was afraid you will be angry with me." Ben revealed his heart to tentacruel

Alex had motioned ivysaur to free the trapped Pokemon and after the restrains were gone, tentacruel rose his tentacles and bound Ben small body.

His current actions put everyone on alert and had it not been for Alex stopping them, tentacruel would suffer their wrath.

Tentacruel had actually hugged his friend and patted his head telling he forgave him.

Ben didn't know what his actions meant but Alex revealed," tentacruel forgave you. You cannot do that in the future. You may hurt someone seriously in the future. Also you will be learning more about pokemons everyday so this kind of thing doesn't happen anymore. Do you understand, Ben?"

Ben knew it was his neglect in studies which lead to this and he agreed.

Clara also knew what really happened courtesy of Slowking and laughed at her twin.

" I knew you were an idiot. " Clara sneered at her twin.

" What do you mean?" He shouted back.

" It is obvious. Earlier you and tentacool won the water games when Gyarados was a magikarp. After evolving we started winning back.

He evolved to help you and you only angered him. In the end, you were an idiot, idiot " she attacked her brother with word arrows.

" You.... You. Let's go tentacruel. Today we will beat down Clara and Gyarados. " He rushed and jumped to the lake along with Clara who wasn't willing to accept defeat.

Tentacruel was surprised by the sudden changes and then looked at his trainer for permission. He nodded back and the newly evolved water pokemons along with Ben and Clara started the water race.

Everyone just smiled at the change of behaviour while the baby pokemons except riolu and larvitar joined this game.

Alex looked at the scene and mumbled," I was a coward. Ben can overcome his fears and yet here I am running from it. In the end, I still have much to learn."

And Alex took his first step to overcoming the inner darkness that Alex suffered from since the riot.

Alex stood at the shore while looking at them play in the lake. Alex decided to end the training session and everyone sat by the lake to enjoy the weather.

But two pokemon weren't so happy. It was larvitar and Growlithe.

Both of them doesn't like water much and the fact that others were playing in water leaving them out made them sad.

Alex sat by the lake and pulled larvitar on his lap while softly brushed Growlithe fur to help them.

Alex was slowly recovering from the shadows and he was getting relieved. Although the dark clouds in his heart didn't fade away completely it still helped.

Every pokemon of Alex felt he was more free today then the past few days and so they wanted to play with him.

Snorlax who was nearby suddenly rose from the ground and then settled behind Alex. He then pulled Alex up and set him on his belly.

More climbed his belly and then surrounded Alex. It seemed like a big group hug. This made Alex feel warm and he slept there without suffering from the nightmare for the first time since the Pokemon raid.

Present day,

Alex had spent almost one and a half month in the Floral Town. In this time, he spent as much time as he could with his family and enjoy the warmth of their love.

His actions surprised them as he was mostly avoiding them earlier but they happily accepted his help and incorpation as they felt his mood was lighter than earlier.

In this time, Alex received calls at his house phone from his friends to discuss about the new regulations set by the league. Alex didn't reveal his role in this new regulation and neither Lance, Daniel or Lorelei knew his role.

At this time, neither Agatha nor Samuel called as they felt like letting his recover was the best and not to disturb him in his healing.

Currently Alex was helping his father in cooking food for everyone since his mother's delivery date was just around the corner.

Speaking of delivery date, About five days ago, Daisy called him. She was very excited. She revealed to him that her mother was going to have a baby.

Her father and grandfather sent her to talk to him so she didn't disturb her mother during childbirth.

She spent almost an hour talking to him about how she was going to look after her sibling, help him, teach him and play with him.

Soon her father voice came revealing that her brother was born. They told him later that the name of their son was Gary.

He and his family wished them congratulations for the birth of the healthy son.

Just two days earlier, Red's wife Delia too gave birth to their son, Ash.

If it wasn't that his mother too was pregnant he would have headed to them to meet these two kids who are the most skilled trainers in their generation.

Alex eagerly awaited the birth of his new siblings and in case the labour was earlier than the due date, Arthur had called a midwife who now lives at their house to help his wife.

And within the next week,( five days after Ash's birth) Alex's mother Gwen went to the labour.

When her water broke, the midwife and Arthur went off to her to help her in childbirth. Alex sent the two medical of his team Happiny and Miltank to help them in that if needed.

Alex was stationed outside with claydol and Slowking at ready to get the things they need for the situation.

Alex was outside waiting with his grandpa and his siblings along and they could hear the loud shouts of Gwen screaming in pain.

Clara and Ben were scared and asked," is Mom going to be alright?"

Michael just smiled softly and said," your mother is going to be alright. I am not worried about your mother. The one I really worry about is..." Before he could speak and loud shout came.

" ARTHUR. ... I WILL RIP IT APART AFTER THIS. YOU WILL LOSE WHAT MAKES YOU A MAN." her shouts along with whimpering of a someone could be heard from inside.

Outside the room, Alex and Michael shuddered at the threat and now they worry about their father too.

Alex looked at the expression and said," I am sure father will be fine." He himself was unsure and these whimpering didn't help. He also added," mostly".

" Why don't you play with the pokemons while your younger brother or sister arrives. " And Alex told claydol to take them away.

Claydol teleported away with them while the other two waited anxiously for the birth.

After two hours of intense struggle, loud cry could be heard.

Alex's new sibling was born.

Alex had a new sibling. Is it a boy or a girl? Stay tuned

To be continued...

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