
Lia goes to School

Lia went to brush while Giselle prepared breakfast. A few minutes later, Lia came out rushing.

"Mom," Lia called.

"What happened, Lia?" Giselle groaned.

"MOM, You traitor!!!" Lia yelled.

Giselle couldn't understand anything she kept staring at Lia.

"You said dad would call me before going to school." Lia looked disappointed.

Indeed, Ethan had requested Giselle 'to remind him about having a conversation with Lia before she attends her new school'. Giselle totally screwed up. Seeing her daughter look upset, Giselle can't ignore.

"I'm sorry, honey. Mommy really forgot. But, if you be a good girl and get ready soon. We can call your father. Alright? Now, go get ready!!!" Giselle tried to cheer her up.

Lia liked the deal and she agreed to it. Quickly, Lia ran to the bathroom. For the next few minutes, Lia didn't disturb her mother, she took a shower, came out, dressed in new clean fresh clothes, checked her school bag and then came out to the living room.

Giselle looked at her daughter: Lia looked cute in her outfit except for her hair which is undone. Giselle approached Lia and fixed her hair with a ponytail. Later, she asked Lia to eat her breakfast.

The time is now 8:10 AM. Lia finished her breakfast and waited for her mother who's getting ready now. Giselle didn't have time to take a shower. However, she brushed, washed her face and then put on her casuals. By the time she returned, it was 8:15 AM.

Both the mother and daughter looked at each other. They both looked neat and ready. When it's almost time to head out. Giselle received a video call request on her mobile. It was Ethan Ruz, Lia's father.

When Lia was getting ready, Giselle texted Ethan about giving her a call. As expected, Ethan did call back to wish his daughter on her first day at school.

"Hey, it's 8:15 now and we have to be at school by 8:30. So, here you go." Giselle quickly warned Ethan about their time limitation, then gave her mobile to Lia.

"DAD!!!" Lia exclaimed.

"Woah, Woah, Woah, look... at... my girl." Ethan's first emotion was a surprise.

"How do I look, dad?" Lia got excited.

"You look cool, Lia. Come on, give me some..." Ethan brought his hands closer to the screen to give Lia, a high-five. Giselle waited behind Lia. Eventually, she appeared on the screen beside her daughter and signaled Ethan to 'fast-forward'.

"Okay... okay," Ethan responded back.

"Alright, baby. It's your first day at school. Just be yourself and have fun. Go talk to everyone and make friends. I really, really, feel bad for missing your first day. But, your mother worked hard to find you a good school. So, make her proud. Don't give her any troubles. Go to your school regularly and what else..." Ethan adviced his little girl.


"Yes, baby"

"I won't do anything that you and mama hate. Pinky promise!!!" Lia pledged. Hearing the little girl say such huge words made her parents happy. Even though Lia doesn't need to act mature for her age, her personality never ceases to amaze even her own parents. With that being said, Ethan can't hold back.

"haha... you sure are an angel, Lia. Alright, I'll call you back myself tonight to talk more in details." Ethan smirked looking at Giselle - giving her the 'I can't trust you to remind me' eyes.

Giselle's eyes twitched. But, she felt bad somehow.

"Giselle?" Ethan called her out.

"No need to agonize over this. I'm sure you would have had some work last night. Anyways, did you girls eat breakfast?" Ethan's words comforted her.

"YEAH," Lia rhymed in response.

"Alright, baby. Go rock and have fun. And..." Ethan paused.

"And!!! what is it, father?" Lia asked curiously.

"I know you're a good girl already. However, If you do good in school, Daddy might just give you a surprise gift, personally." Ethan said. He wanted Lia to feel motivated and work hard on her school. So, he decided to buy her presents if she did a good job.

"Personally!!!" Lia said in awe. The little girl adored her father very much. But now that they are a thousand miles apart and Lia can't see him whenever she wants, the poor little girl's mind revolved around his 'Personally' more than his 'gifts'. Lia saw her father and assured him that she's going to do well. Giselle noted her child's suffering and embraced her daughter from behind.

Seeing the mother and daughter together, Ethan's heart raced a bit. His tension from work, stress accumulated in his body, everything became dust in front of this beautiful image that he saw.

Without any delay, Ethan gave little Lia flying kisses and then said goodbye.

They both rode the taxi to reach the school soon. The time is now 8:37 AM. As expected, Mrs. Beth was waiting in front of the school main entrance. Mrs. Beth spotted Giselle and Lia, she sighed. It is not pleasing for a vice-principal to wait eagerly in front of the school, especially for a student. People might think that the vice-principal favors the single student more than others.

"I'm sorry, Mrs. Beth. I apologize. It's my mistake." Giselle struggled to talk as she sprinted to the towards Mrs. Beth.

"Late on her first day, Giselle. Anyways, I'll scold you later. For now, say your goodbyes. I have to take Lia to her classroom." Mrs. Beth hurried.

Giselle bent down to face Lia. To her surprise, Lia already had a smile on her face; as bright as the sunshine. Lia then hugged her mother and gave her kisses.

"I'll be good and make a lot of new friends. Don't worry, mom" Lia embraced her mother gently.

Despite the same scenario being repeated, which is Lia going to her new school for the first time, Giselle had tears in her eyes. She felt really emotional. Whatever people may say, Giselle is indeed a mother first. Her motherly instincts explode at very critical times, making it awkward for both mother and her daughter.

"Alright, I'll pick you up later. Go and have fun." Giselle said.

"You'll pick me up? Don't you have work today?" Lia asked.

"It's tomorrow, honey. Today, I don't have work. I will come and get you. Mrs. Beth is waiting, go now. And anything you need to ask, feel free to approach Mrs. Beth. She'll help you." Giselle advised.

"Okay. Love you, mom" Lia hugged her mother one last time before leaving.

"Love you, baby. Now, go have fun." Giselle spanked Lia gently. Lia walked away with Mrs. Beth.

They both reached the first floor. Mrs. Beth entered the third classroom from the left. She excused herself and took Lia with her.

"Alright class, we have a new student here. She will be joining us from now on." Mrs. Beth signaled Lia to go introduce herself in front of the class. Lia nodded.

"Hi, I'm Lia. Nice to meet you." Lia kept it simple.

"Hey Lia," the kids replied in chorus.

The teacher greeted and found her a place to sit. Mrs. Beth then left the classroom. Once she came out, she peeked into the window, looking at Lia.

The girl was calm and composed. "Such a gentle child, like her mother." Mrs. Beth smiled as she walked away.

Lia goes to school!!!. I can't help myself from feeling emotional like Giselle. Baby girl is going to school now and she'll grow up soon..... *cries and says KIDS GROW FAST*

I hope you enjoy reading GET BACK TO YOU.

Smile and have fun guys. Take care. Love you. <3

ljack_acecreators' thoughts
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