
No, Your Bold!

18 - No, Your Bold!

the leader of the men glared at the woman before him, He has never encountered such a bold and arrogant woman in his life.

usually the Females in the city who he sees immediately tears up in fear shivering, After all he wasn't just any normal man in armor, He was a guard, A guard of the most prestigious mayor of the Opolice City yet this woman did not only not show a sign of respect but also talked back to him! he was outraged!

"You-! such a bold woman! you lack respect! Didn't you know that if you meet someone supreme than you have to kneel to show respect!"

Yu Yan crossed her legs and looked at the man through her veil "that's right, so kneel down."

shock was evident in the eyes of the onlookers, the intense glare coming from the leader and the mischievous glint in the womans eyes were eye catching. it wasn't long t'll the Leader of the men in armor unsheathed his sword and rushed to strike the woman before him


before he could struck the woman a fan of light blue blocked his sword effortlessly, his glaring with fury eyes switched to the man who blocked his sword.

Bao Shīzi smirked, He was gone for some time as he was trying to know what these men want after barging in his room aswell. he was too busy playing with their blood and groans of pain that he didn't consider the thought they would attack Yu Yan. he was too careless, if he was a little late he wouldn't be able to see Yu Yan again.

"Who are you?!"

Bao Shīzi ignored his question and pushed the mans sword away causing the man in armor to fall back a few steps.

"How rude." Bao Shīzi opened his fan covering his nose and lips as he slightly looked away from the men at the rooms entrance while he blocks Yu Yan from their line of sight "Attacking a fragile woman and then casually asks someone of their name when they've yet to also introduce themselves." he looked back sharply at the man "Don't you think you're thinking to superior of yourself?"

The man swallowed a lump in his throat, an Annoyingly beautiful man came in on the action and has caught him by the ropes, In rage he has forgotten his cool and now this new comer has had him at the ends of a string to his reputation, If he attack the beautiful man now his reputation and the Mayor's will greatly suffer

"Nudios... I am here by the orders Of Our Mayor to collect a girl in all white with a mask, and the man with her, I suppost it'd be you?"

"indeed, Although there has been an error on your sentence.." Bao Shīzi fanning as he covered his face looked at the shiny blade in Nudios' hand

"and what is that?"

"The word collect does not imply to humans, therefore I must help you understand the proper use of this word..." Yu Yan casually sipped the tea on the table and watched Bao Shīzi handle the situation, She wanted to know the capabilities of the man she will be traveling with so might as well learn about him now

suddenly Nudios and Bao Shīzi had both the items they held clash, Nudios sharp shiny blade did not even scratched Bao Shīzi's Fan, Both exchanged blow after blow "Now I shall use the word collect in a proper way... I shall collect your blood as a payment for the troubles you and your men have caused." the exchanging of blows stopped only to let Bao Shīzi duck down to the ground swiftly dodging Nudios' blade and giving him a kick on the legs tripping him

once down, he attempted to stand when a sharp blade was pointed straight at his throat, his tenths gritted, He was the one who usually points the blade... it seems that the table has turned..

"Now I have restrained you to your proper place, I shall collect the payment of your actions." The soldiers that came with Nadios could not do anything, If they even took a step their leader's head will roll...

"I think that's enough Bao, We cannot shed blood, we've attracted way too many attention already and if we make one more of an uproar we will surely have difficulty with our plan" Bao Shīzi upon hearing the silent whisper from the woman in white behind him he immediately withdraw the blade, not after penetrating the wooden floor with it besides Nadios' head

"Saved but not saved, A man like you should learn to be careful." he turned around to stand beside Yu Yan, He just met her yet the strong feeling of wanting to protect her is surging through him, The only question is, is this the effect of his ancestors blood rushing towards him or is it because the woman has really caught his heart? how stupid, he thought, It was impossible. atleast for his case.

Nadios sat up and glared at the beautiful man, "You envy my beauty too much you can't get enough with one stare?" Bao Shīzi cheekily said smirking

"how bold!" Nadios spoke on top of his lungs

"No, Your bold!" Said back by bao Shīzi.

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