
"What Am I To You?"

"Ellen.. what am I to you?"

He always took her back with his actions..

Ellen looked up from her hands and stared at her deeply. "..You're really asking me that?"

Song Xia pursed her lips as she spoke mockingly.

"I'm not exactly sure why you like someone like me.. I'm not pretty, I'm arrogant and I don't even listen to your words.. I'm just an irresponsible and irritating person.. Why.."

'Why would you even like me?'

An index finger pressed against her lips, stopping her from saying any more words.

Ellen sternly said, "You're not allowed to insult my most favorite person right in front of me."

Song Xia's eyes wavered, her calm expression cracking with a look of disbelief.

Ellen continued, "As for why I like you so much.. It's because it's you."

Because it's you..

Something exploded in Song Xia's mind as his words kept replaying over and over. She was in a daze, her heart beating rapidly.

How could he say such words.. with a straight face? His words were making her flustered, but how could he remain so calm?

Ellen slowly let go of her hands and lazily fixed his messy hair. He glanced at her dazed expression and wondered.

Was she too shocked? He mustered up so much courage to say that; was it all for naught?

But he was just telling the truth.

He didn't care whether she was pretty or not. What he liked about her was her herself. Not her face.

Back then, she was the only person who held out her hand to him.

When the whole world turned its back on him, she was the bright light that shone in his dark world.

She was his savior.

Compared to what she did, his efforts were insufficient. And he wasn't doing it for her, he was doing it because he wanted to do it.

He wanted to be there with her through thick and thin.

However, he feared that he wasn't qualified enough to be with her so he tried improving day by day, just to accompany her.

Song Xia took a deep breath to calm down her racing heart. She wanted to jump around like a deer but controlled herself.

Robotically turning around, she walked upstairs.

When she reached her room and sat down on the bed, she realized that she had forgotten to mention the most important thing to Ellen!

Song Xia hit her head with a pillow and cried out, "You silly goose!!!" She then began rolling around the bed irritatedly.

After a while, she heard her notification sound. She sat up, expressionlessly fixed her hair and put away the pillow.

Her phone lit up, two messages from different persons had arrived at the same time.

She confusedly picked up her phone. 'Is it a coincidence?' The messages they sent was similar in context too.

[XZ: Song'song!! Crisis!! Your baby has encountered a love interest!]

[FL: Xiao Xia, can you help me? I think I'm in love!]

Song Xia was stunned. She first replied Xu Zhen: [Love interest??] Then she sent a question mark to Fang Long.

The two of them also responded simultaneously.

[XZ: Yeah! A guy approached me today!]

[FL: I know I'll sound ridiculous but I think I fell for someone in first sight!]

Song Xia was extremely puzzled. These two aren't really planning to prank her together, right?

She quickly shook her head. No, that can't be.. These two don't even know each other.

[Tell me what happened.] Song Xia sent the same message to both of them.

[XZ: So today, I was attending a banquet and suddenly a dashing young man approaches me and tells me that he has been admiring me for a long time! I acted indifferent but I was very taken aback!]

[FL: I went to a banquet today and saw a beautiful lady there. I recognized her as someone I've been admiring her for a long time! I gathered my courage and told her that I admire her a lot! But I don't think she took my words seriously!]

[Both: Xiao Xia, what should I do?!]

Song Xia felt strange when she saw their messages.

Her lips twitched. 'Are they really not fooling me? Are they secretly filming a prank video on me?'

This could not be a mere coincidence! How could their messages be so similar! It was ridiculous!

Song Xia slowly typed: [Are you kidding me?] She sent it to both of them

[XZ: Your baby attracts bees and butterflies everywhere she goes! Do you want to confine me in a dark room now?? (Pout)]

Song Xia was speechless. Was she really the CEO of a big corporate? She seemed like a high-school girl who read too much novels!

[FL: Oh, sorry I was being inconsiderate! After all, we went on a date once (almost). It would be awkward if my date would suddenly say that they fell in love with another person. I can understand..]

Song Xia was dumbfounded. Why did he take her words that way?! He completely misunderstood her words!

She quickly typed: [No, no. I didn't mean it that way. I just.. Nevermind. Actually, I think you should pursue her if you like her so much (smile).]

She then went to reply to Xu Zhen: [Stop joking, let's be serious here. Do you know him?]

[XZ: He did say his name and I searched it up but only random things came up, no any information of him. But judging from his temperament, he seemed like someone from an aristocrat family. I'm not sure though.]

Xu Zhen didn't know much about the high society. She used to be just like a normal rich second generation kid but suddenly had to take over a company and work.

One had to know, how much she struggled with the sudden change.

She had to adjust in a complete different atmosphere, filled with cunning old men and arrogant seniors.

So she had no choice but to give her best. If it weren't for Song Xia's help, she'd still have been struggling.

Of course, her recent achievements were mainly due to her own talent. If given a chance, anyone with skills and talent could do better.

However because of how much she was focused in her career, Xu Zhen didn't even have time for herself, much less others.

Hence, Song Xia pondered before deleting her 'You should stay away from him' message and typed: [If you're happy, I'm happy.]

Her message meant that she approved if Xu Zhen wanted to date someone. [XZ: Are you abandoning me now?( >~<)]

Dark lines appeared in Song Xia's face. [Do you read too much novels? (-_-|||)]

[XZ: No, I only read yours (^-^)]


XZ-> Xue Zhen (friend; blue dressed lady)

FL-> Fang long (SX once went on a date with him, almost; red haired guy)

SAEcreators' thoughts
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