
"My woman will not be accountable to the Xi family."

6:00 a.m., Xi Family Mansion ;

"Mind your language, Chonglin.", Xi Chongkun roared at his brother, "Rong Xinghe is a soldier. We've no choice but to accept that. What happened today wasn't her fault. She would never want one of the most important days of her life to be ruined like that."

"You don't understand, Brother.", Xi Chonglin countered, his tone discontented and curt negative, "That girl does not belong here! Her world is way too different from ours. Last night was an excellent demonstration of that. Xi family has never witnessed something as dreadful as that. Not to mention, the man shot himself publically, in front of our business associates.

"Rong Xinghe is nothing but the destruction of wherever she goes, whoever she touches. Attacks, assassinations, murders. That is her life. A woman like herself would obviously lack emotions and understanding. What do you think will be the future of her kids? What kind of upbringing do you believe they will have?"

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