
Chapter 5 - Treaty

Alright, it is Friday which means it's time for another chapter! WOOOT! This is the last chapter before Kushina gives birth. Finally, I know it's taken a while but I didn't want to make this fanfic just about the "happy family." I've already done that. We are starting to get close to where I am currently writing so provably after next week, I'll have to drop down to one chapter a week. But we'll see how quickly I can write and edit chapters to see for sure.

As for me, I am spending a lot of time reading Naruto fanfics. I have a collection of older fanfics that I found recently. I have been going through them at work and commenting where I could. I have to say there are some really good ones out there (even if they are not all done). You should check them out. My favorites are on my profile page. I hope to incorporate some of those good ideas into this fic, but we'll see how that goes. Anyway, on to the main event!


Chapter 5 - Treaty

Over the next few days, Minato was forced to attend meeting after meeting where they obessed over his behavior and the treaty. It was not well received by the powers to be. It came off more as ultimatum than a true treaty. Which angered both the Elders and Danzo. They couldn't understand why the Hokage would agree to such an agreement when the Leaf held all the cards.

Minato didn't care for the Elders and he hated Danzo. He trusted neither of them. Often they were his opponents, not his allies. He was careful to hide things from both of them if he could. It was a lot easier to do his job if he did. Still, their power was immense and he had to respect it even if he didn't like it.

As for Kushina, well, she was a lot harder to deal with. When he went home he got an ear full. Apparently, she had looked for him not long after he left the house. When she was informed that he wasn't to be disturbed she became furious. Being the woman that he loved, she barged in anyway to discover that the room was empty. Which sent everyone into a panic.

If Minato hadn't left a note stating what he was doing, well, it would have been pandemonium. Even with the note it was bad. They searched and searched for the Hokage until he reappeared that evening. No one knew if Minato had really left on his own or if he was forced. It created so much panic.

That was something Minato didn't intend to create. But it was necessary to avoid war. And they did avoid war. Reluctantly, both the Elders and Danzo agreed to the terms of the Treaty. They had little choice. The only other option was war and the Leaf couldn't afford that - not now. So, they swallowed their pride and agreed. A minor victory that Minato savored.

The only leader who didn't chastise Minato was Lord Third. He approved of his unorthodox strategy. It meant that they would not go to war. Both men understood the pain of watching comrades die. Neither wanted to send children to their deaths. And both would do almost anything to avoid conflict. This might have not been what he would have done, but Lord Third respected Minato for his efforts. They were in the best interests of the Village. He became the primary champion of the treaty.

In fact without Lord Third Minato doubted he could have gotten them to agree. He just didn't understand them enough to successfully manipulate them. Perhaps, it was Minato's sense of awe that held him back. To him they were were giants. Even if they were evil. It was hard to truly understand what drove them. He couldn't seem to out maneuver them. Perhaps it was because they were comrades. Minato didn't know the answer, but he was glad that Lord Third didn't have the same problems with them. Otherwise he'd never get anything done.

It was getting close to Naruto's birth now. Kushina was due any day now. Minato had to focus more and more on her and the upcoming birth. Lord Third graciously stepped in with most of the daily tasks. That allowed Minato to spend more time with her. He watched over her, the baby and the seal. He had to make sure that everything was okay. There was no room for error.

Kushina was being watched 24/7 now by the ABU picked to guard her during the birth. So, Kakashi was no longer needed. With that in mind, he pulled Kakashi off his task of watching her. He needed the rest. Besides, the task had not had the intended effect of bringing him out of the Darkness. Something else would have to be done. But that would have to wait. For now, it was he had to focus on Kushina and the baby.

The preparations for her birth were almost complete. The birthing site was secure and almost ready for action. Only a few minor details remained. Which Minato would see to himself. He wasn't taking chances, especially with the recent unexplained disappearances. He wanted every detail to be perfect. He couldn't afford to fail.

It was only a few hours before she was due to give birth. Kushina hadn't shown signs of labor yet, but it would be coming. It was time to let her know the plan. Lord Third was kind enough to explain it to her for him. For some reason Minato couldn't seem to able to tell her. He had made a couple of attempts the last day or so, but all failed. Whenever he tried to explain, he came off as panicky and overbearing. Exactly the opposite of how he wanted to sound.

When Lord Hiruzen spoke to her it was completely different. He was calm, understanding, polite, and patient. He explained it to her as if she was a student trying to understand some jutsu. It was very matter-of-fact and easy for her to understand. Kushina listened to him. Where previously she had brushed off Minato for being a worry wort, she now paid attention. She took it seriously.

She might have even taken it too seriously. For the first time in a very long time Minato saw fear on her face. She tried to hide it, but he could see right through her. Minato reached out and touched her. He reassured her, "I'll be there too. I do have to monitor the seal in all." Minato gave her one of his best smiles.

Which calmed her down immediately. Afterwards, he headed to the door. There was a lot to check up on and very little time to do it. He would entrust his wife to Lady Biwako. She would safely get her to the location. Naruto was on his way and they had to be ready.

As I said before, next chapter is the birth. So, keep reading!

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