Hu Lei was having the time of her life.
When Zhong Feng left for Mountain Ridge in the morning, she was angry at him and herself. She was not used to being without him, even for a day. She felt stupid for encouraging him to go to Mountain Ridge while she stayed in Tokyo.
But now, she was feeling much better.
People cheered as she rode a mechanical bull in the Wild West theme restaurant inside Anarkh. While the building was a casino and hotel, it had a few restaurants with unique themes. When she found the Wild West hotel, she could not resist trying.
The mechanical bull became wilder the longer she rode it. She wanted to see if she could hold on for a full minute. However, from the corner of her eye, she saw Frank beckoning to her. She let go of the bull and was thrown off.
This is the end of Part One, and download Webnovel app to continue: