

Entertaining Pierre turned out to be more challenging than Hu Lei had thought. The man never seemed to run out of energy, and he wanted to see anything and everything. He wanted to savour food, explore the downtown, check out the parks and in the evening, go out.

On the third night, Hu Lei could not handle the pressure and decided to call in reinforcement in the form of Shun and Wang Che. She did not know many people in Supreme City so she could only depend on the two to help her.

Hu Lei smiled when Wang Che offered a solution for entertaining her enthusiastic guest. As it turned out, they were going to an exclusive party which promised to be extremely invigorating. It was the kind of thing that Pierre would be into.

"I should warn you that the party is being held by Qi Han's company. He is probably going to be there." Wang Che said before Hu Lei could hang up.

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