

*Well guys read my douluo dalu fanfic from my profile*





The gates of the Yun Family opened up and a man who seemed like a middle-aged man who was 50-year-old man, he stepped out of the family residence and looked up in the sky towards Ryusuke's direction. His face was White as if he had some illness, he still had a calm demeanor and a handsome face.

The man said in a hoarse voice, "Father, you are finally back."

Yun Canghai saw the condition of his son and felt as if he aged over a hundred years, the years of his imprisonment was not that painful as compared to see the state of his son right now.

His eyes let out a tear and a deep hatred rose within him, he knew that the ones who did this were the Sacred Lands of the Profound Continent. He wanted revenge, revenge for his son, for his daughter-in-law, he wanted revenge for the Yun family who had suffered for all these years because of him.

Yun Canghai nodded and said, "Yes, I am back and I am going to do everything right once again."

Ryusuke looked at Yun Che and said, "Go and meet them now. I have completed my end of the deal. I will let you meet with Su Ling'er after it is time."

Yun Che nodded but suddenly remembered something, he asked, "How can I contact you again?" Ryusuke looked at him and said, "You don't really need to contact me. I will contact you after a year and let you meet with her."

Yun Che then said, "How can I just trust your word for it?" Ryusuke got a tick mark on his face and said, "I don't really care if you trust it or not, go find someone else if you can. Let's go Jasmine."

Yun Che stopped him and lowered his head and said, "I apologise about that, so where should I come to meet you at the appointed time?"

Ryusuke said, "I can cover this whole planet with my Divine Sense. Do you really think I wouldn't come here after a year or do you really doubt my power for coming here?"

Yun Che suddenly remembered about his power and was a bit embarrassed that he even asked him such a question, he then heard Ryusuke say, "This one year is for you to heal your father and your grandfather to their full health. With the number of things that the Yun Family can provide you, it shouldn't be too hard to heal them. Oh, and open up their Profound Entrances too. I sense that your father can still have another breakthrough."

"I will come back and see if you did the things to my satisfaction otherwise you can forget about meeting Su Ling'er for another year. Remember I never mentioned the time for you to visit her. If someday, you died and you couldn't meet Su Ling'er then its not really my fault. Hehehe."

Yun Che's eyes widened when he heard him say that, he said, "For this time, I thought you were good. Why are you doing this to me?"

Ryusuke darkly chuckled and said, "I am a very petty person, you can say it like that. I remember someone who is against me and I take my revenge very sweetly. I gave you hope now and now I am going to keep this hope in front of your eyes till the time you are able to have it. Isn't that the sweetest revenge you can have? Hate yourself for hating me. Oh no, someone might say that I am saying it because I want to seem like a good man, well no, I am certainly evil to my enemies."

He then looked towards Jasmine and said, "Let's go now. I want to go back to the palace and meet with Yuanba and then my wives. Its been pretty long since I met them."

Jasmine nodded and slashed her hand in thin air and they were back in the Profound Continent. They both were standing in the Wasteland of Death where the Azure Dragon gave him his inheritance.

Ryusuke was a bit curious about why she didn't stop him or say anything when he was saying all these things to Yun Che, he knew that by her character it certainly wasn't because she wanted him to revive her brother.

He asked her in a soft voice, "Jasmine, why didn't you stop me when I said all those things to him?" Jasmine coldly snorted and said, "Did you think that this princess wouldn't be able to see through your trick? You said all those things so that he is doing his best to help his family grow. You knew that without enough motivation he wouldn't do anything so you gave him that little speech. But that was some good speech even I was tricked for some moments there but thankfully I have such good brain that I could easily decipher your intent."

She even seemed to nod at the end of her statement as if what she was saying was the truth and nothing he say would convince her. He was speechless right now as he thought 'Is this the situation like going into the wrong tunnel and finding gold there. Did I unexpectedly make her misunderstand the situation so badly? What good brain, you are proud that you actually misunderstood the situation.'

'I didn't have any intention to make him work hard. I said those words so that whenever he thinks about me he would be distracted and not be able to cultivate properly. I think he needs around Sky Profound Realm Cultivation base to even begin to have the hope of healing his family. Now, he will be delayed and I will have my sweet revenge, for some years it will be fun to watch him struggle so much.'

He shook his head and then said, "Let's forget about all that and let me make your body right now. So, what do I have to do?" She looked towards him and was a bit excited to finally have her body back and it will be made by the Primordial Chaos Energy.

She would now be much stronger than before, if she took him to the Star God Realm then she could have her brother and her mother back, yup, life was truly good for her right now.

She said to him while trying to control her excitement, "Just pour your Chaos Energy in my body and I will tell you when to stop."

Ryusuke nodded and started pouring his Chaos Energy in her soul form, it was a fast process and only took about 5 minutes for Jasmine to form her body. Well, it was kind of expected, his Primordial Chaos Energy was already the strongest in the universe and add the Dragon Energy in it, so it was kind of expected that he could remake her body so quickly.

Well guys, this was the true reason he was good to Yun Che. I am sure many of you were confused by this change but remember that everything that he does is thought out by me. I am pretty sure you all didn't expect this change cause if you did i am pretty much speechless. hehehehe.

Oh, and the chapter at night may be delayed cause i am going back to my hometown so I thought maybe I should at least release one to not disappoint you guys as you guys have supported me.

Evil_Dragoncreators' thoughts
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