
Chapter 414: Untimely Reunion (Part 1)

"Who was that guy anyway and why were you two so eager to meet him?" Gabriel asked, nimbly knocking out a man in red when he tried to slice him with a katana.

"He was my former teacher," Ethan replied.

"No way!" Li Yifei gaped in disbelief. "No wonder you were having a hard time."

"Amai Mochi was his name, wasn't it? How come we've never heard him before? Someone who personally taught one of the powerhouses of the Underworld, his name should be recognizable."

"But it isn't. He must be one of those hidden masters."

Gabriel hummed in agreement at Li Yifei's observation. "Talented people are countless. Not all of them would wish to appear in the spotlight, preferring to work among the shadows." How cool.

"I bet you wish you were like that, huh? Unfortunately for you, you choose to stick with me." Li Yifei shot him a bright smile.

"You just love to expose yourself, don't you?"

"It invites the fun. Do you blame me?"

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