
Chapter 147: Pursuit

After another 'eventful' date at the restaurant, Ethan drove the car back to Tranquil Villa.

Lillie sat beside him on the passenger seat, completely relaxed as her knuckles supported her head.

Her tired eyes did not fought back the heaviness of her eyelids, and just let them close.

Her mind then flew back to the affair at the restaurant.

Lillie swears that restaurant had always been a place where something 'interesting' happens.

That place was, after all, where she met finally her fiancée, Ethan Li.

It has become a sacred, and special place for her, and even Ethan—not that it was a secret.

Maybe she should buy it? Hmm...not a bad idea.

The car turned to a stop abruptly in the middle of a deserted road. Lillie's eyes snapped open and stared at Ethan.

"We have company." He curtly answered.

Lillie's eyes automatically looked ahead, and saw ten black, cargo trucks in about a mile.

The headlights were so bright that it was not hard not to notice them.

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