
*A Beautiful Maiden.


Both the kids were on the verge of tears hearing the sudden sound. A few seconds later, footsteps were heard by them, which reassured their hearts, that it was no wild animal.

But they were not sure if the person approaching them is a friend or a foe.

"I'm sure I heard the cry of a child... But where could they be..."

The sweet voice of a girl was heard. The other person who was accompanying the girl yelled in surprise.

"My Lady! Come here! Quick!"

A girl appeared from behind a huge tree in front of the twins. She was a stricking beauty with a wavy snow white hair matched with a pair of deep ocean blue eyes. Her facial features could make people wonder in awe as she looked like a girl that had walked straight out of a beautiful painting.

She wore a light pink coloured clothing with a beautiful embroidery of cherry petals. The dress complimented her flawlessly fair skin.

Her beautiful snow white hair was wonderfully dancing along with the wind.

In simple terms, her beauty was equal to that of a goddess which mere mortal would never have.

The twins forgot the fear which they felt earlier seeing the beautiful maiden before them. They both believed that there was no woman in that world who parralleled their mother's beauty. But the girl before them made them question themselves.

"My Lady, be careful! They are demon children..." The woman who accompanied the beautiful girl was totally on guard against the children.

The girl smiled at the woman. Her smile uncovered the beautiful dimples on her cheeks.

"Sheela, don't do that. They are just children! Aren't we, The Varma's supposed to be neutral in our behavior towards both the demons and the humans?"

Her simple question made Sheela embarrassed of her actions just then.

The girl approached the twins as she stretched out her hand to pet the head of the little girl.

"Did you hurt your leg kid?"

Araa's eyes were flooded with tears of relief. She said 'Hmm' with a weak voice.

Seeing his sister getting her head petted, made Abi feel a little jealous. He was quietly sulking within himself without expressing it.

"How did you both end up here? This place is currently very dangerous. Kids shouldn't play in here."

"I was chasing after my sister who was blindly chasing a rabbit deep into the woods and along the way we both got lost..."

"Sheela, I think we should take them back. If they continue to stay here it will only get more dangerous for the kids."

"But... my lady, we came here in search of those roaming demons... If we were to accompany these kids... then what about our plan..."

"Sheela... Are you being serious now? How can we abandon them in this thick woods? Aren't they just little kids?" The girl was a little angry with the remark made by Sheela.

"My Lady, please don't misunderstand me! I was just saying...." The woman was out of words to defend herself, it only brought further embarrassment onto herself.

The girl carried the Araa in her arms as she stretched out her other hand for her brother.

Abi quickly grabbed her hold, without much thought.

The girl lead them in the correct path to the other side of the thick forest.

Abi was curious about what she mentioned earlier, how that place was dangerous for them.

"Sister, the thing you said earlier... What are these roaming demons?" His beautiful sapphire blue eyes were brimming with excitement to learn about that.

"They are not the regular demons like you... They kill and feed on both the humans and the demons, especially children. There were reports of them appearing in this North Forest."

Abi's mouth formed an 'O' as he learnt about something which he was not aware of. Seeing the kid's cute expression, the girl couldn't help but smile.

The girl abruptly stopped on her steps as she laid the Araa down. She took on her defensive form.

The kids were not sure of what was happening, even Sheela was looking all serious as she unsheathed her sword.

"My Lady..."

"Speaking of the devil, they are here to greet us themselves." The girl's expression turned serious.

"Staff!" A magical wand appeared in her hand. The girl hit the ground with it three times. Each time the wand hit the ground an unknown energy was being gathered around her making the ground resonate together with it.

Two demons appeared out of nowhere as they immediately went on the offence and attacked her.

The girl shook them off like they were nothing as she started chanting a spell.

The two demons which attacked her were shackled by the strong chains that appeared out of thin air.

"Damn... It's a Varma! If only we could eat her... Argh!!" They both yelled in excitement rather than being covered in fear.

The girl was completely expressionless. It looked like she was expecting atleast that much of a reaction from those demons.

"Sheela be careful! They are definitely not that weak to be bound by such a low class spell!"

Sheela gulped down on her own saliva as she was standing on her toes to attack them the moment they made a move.

Abi was hugging Araa who was so scared of what was happening around her. He made sure to cover her ears as he pulled her into his tiny embrace.

"Araa, don't cry! I am here!" She shivered as he hugged her brother tightly.

The demons freed themselves as they attacked her with sheer strength which made her shudder and loose her footing.

"My Lady!" Sheela charged at the demons with her sword and continued to attack. But those demons were dodging her attacks as if it were a child's play.

The girl got up and chanted a little powerful spell this time which made the wind respond to her call.

"Sheela, leave quickly and get help! I will hold them down!"

"My Lady! That's impossible. How could I leave you here!"

"Don't be stupid! Even I'm not confident in killing them, how could you be a match to them? Our people are nearby, luckily we didn't come alone. Go and get them!"

The woman nodded and quickly went away.

"This little girl is quite strong indeed... The Varma's should not the be underestimated. Damn it all!!"

Instead of attacking her, the demons distracted her attention by attacking the twins who were hiding behind a tree.

A huge ball of flame was directed towards the kids.

The girl without any second thought blocked the attack by using her own body as a shield. She didn't have much time to cast a spell for barrier.

Hi All,

Here is the chapter for the day. Hope you all like it.

Thanks for reading!

Yuukikocreators' thoughts
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