
Chapter 1380 Appendix

“I’ll go.”Liang Xue woke up from his dream once again. He raised his head and saw that the sky was still dark, but he was no longer sleepy.

He had not experienced such a terrible sleep for a long time.

Liang Xue sat at the head of the bed and reflected on himself. He could not help but shake his head. “I don’t know what fame and fortune are like... If there’s something I want, there must be something I can’t ask for...”

After muttering to himself for a while, Liang Xue got up and used the landline in the waiting room to call the emergency department.

“If there are any suitable patients tonight, try your best to transfer all of them to our side.”Liang Xue was not very familiar with the emergency department doctor on the other end of the phone, so he requested politely.

This was what he had thought of in his dream just now.

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