

Broly was standing in his training chamber with three demons in front of him.

To be more precise, the Phantom Demon, Hirudegarn, the Majin Demon, Super Buu and the Evil Incarnate, Janemba, which would make him not a demon.

Well, the host of Janemba was originally a demon kid, so Broly still called the trio, the Demon Squad.

In the last few days, he had tested their capabilities and noticed that they were still getting stronger, however, the pearl would be exhausted soon.

As soon as the pearl lost its strengthening method, their strength would rise slower than it would have without the pearl.

There were no such things as free meals.

The pearl had greatly exhausted their potential and lowered their upper power limit, which meant that they wouldn't only get stronger slower, but they would never reach the same level they could have with normal training.

Of course, if Broly removed their limit and severed their connection to the universe, after recovering, they could regain their normal growth of power and eventually exceed even Beings like Lord Zeno.

However, Broly has yet to understand, how he can severe the connection without ripping the soul in half. Fortunately, there were other insights he gained during his transformation.

Hirudegarn and Buu weren't problematic after the pearl ran out of juice, but Janemba was different. Janemba wasn't born this way.

There was just a lot of evil energy that had invaded his body, creating the being that now kneeled in front of Broly. However, if the pearl was exhausted, the evil energy would slowly dissipate.

It did Janemba a favor that his host was a demon but using demonic ki or evil ki was still different.

If he couldn't get nurtured through the pearl, Janemba would only lose power over time. Eventually returning back to the demon kid.

Obviously, Broly wouldn't just let go of such a strong subordinate, so he thought about tempering with Janemba's soul.

He just had to guide the evil ki into the demon kid's soul and after infecting the soul, Janemba would be complete.

Of course, Janemba would be evil thorough, but Broly didn't really care as long as he listened to his orders and benefitted him.

After finishing his examination, he ordered them to go to Aize, who would tell them what to do next. Broly was rather satisfied as they seemed to be very obediently.

Broly went and took Alea with him as he teleported them to earth. He directly appeared above Bulma's courtyard, which was like the Z-Fighters headquarters as they usually met up here.

As expected Broly and Alea instantly saw the earthlings treat their wounds.

Bulma was frowning deeply as she had heard of the events that took place on Exousia. They also had noticed that many earthlings had been revived just a few hours ago.

Dende was alive as well and the earthling's dragon balls were restored. After Hirudegarn was revived by Cooler, he had destroyed the dragon balls, so that one more variable was eradicated.

Fortunately, he didn't seem to know of the Namekian dragon balls. Even if he did, with Broly's current strength it was easy to gather the Super Dragon Balls again.

Just as Broly and Alea appeared above them, the Z-Fighters noticed Alea. As for Broly, he was only discovered after they had looked up.

"You!" They all jumped up and took on a battle stance, but Broly remained causally as they landed. Alea looked a bit embarrassed and apologetic.

Broly ignored the barking earthlings and headed to Gine. Goku stepped in front of her, trying to shield her from Broly, but unexpectedly Gine walked past him.

"Hey, Gine. Hope you are doing well." Broly said as he greeted her with a kiss on the cheek. "Hey, Broly, nice to see you." Gine responded happily. "Raditz, Bardock." Broly shook their hands and then pointed at some chairs. "Let's sit down and have a talk."

The earthlings traded some looks of disbelief of what just happened. Hadn't Gine and Raditz fled from Broly, why were they so familiar with each other?


After a few hours of storytelling, the earthlings looked as if they had just lost their soul. "No, this isn't okay!" Bulma screamed her lungs out.

"Goku, they have lied to you all this time, while Broly threatened to kill us, since years ago!" She was heaving heavily as she looked at the stupid smiling Goku.

"Well, they said that they did this to make me stronger and I am definitely way stronger than I could have been without the pressure! Hahaha" Goku said happily while stuffing a steak in his mouth.

"Bulma, calm down." Vegeta unexpectedly added.

"This is a normal for Saiyans. When I was 3 years old, my parents had planned out several scenarios during our journeys.

I remember this one time, when I was kidnapped by 'pirates' and had to fight my way out to freedom only to be greeted by my father with a grand banquet." Vegeta said while lingering in nostalgia. He closed his eyes and smiled silently.

"Is there more steak?" Broly held up his empty plate towards the dumfounded Bulma. She stared at the plate and then at Broly.

She angrily ripped it out of his hands and left while grunting, "Fucking insensible Saiyan imbeciles…"

"Gohan could have been something, a great scholar…" Chichi mumbled as she sat weakly on a bench with fried tear stains on her cheeks, while Puar and Oolong were offering some napkins to her.

Gohan supported her mother awkwardly as he obviously heard her complains.

"So, that was why you gave us the modified Kaio-ken! You wanted us to get stronger?"

Tien exclaimed as he thought about all the events that had occurred until now.

"Yeah..." Broly said with a full mouth as he devoured the meal that the Bulma's chefs had brought.

"I saw… your potential… and thought you would make some good assistance in the future, maybe even rivals…"

"Even the king speaks with his mouth full. Well, so does the prince…" Tien took a glance at Vegeta, who seemed to have sensed it and directly shot a glare back.

"What was the deal with these demons anyway? What did you mean by Cooler stole your pearls?" Piccolo added, when the others calmed down considerably.

"Cough. I…I heard of some rumors of these demons sealed away, so I thought I use some wizards to revive them.

The pearls were meant to make the demons and the wizards stronger. With this the wizards could control the demons to attack you.

The pearls strengthen the demons over time, so after Cooler went into hiding with them, they were a lot stronger than I originally thought they would be."

"I see. So, before we could defeat them, Cooler had snatched them away and attacked your city instead!" Krillin said with an understanding nod.

"Why did you make them stronger with the pearls? How would you know they would be too weak otherwise?

The Supreme Kai said that Buu was a demon that was sealed a long time ago and his strength was just described as immeasurable."

Piccolo said while squinting slightly. He observed Broly closely as continuedly questioned him.

"Well, I can travel through time, soo…" Broly didn't describe anything in detail but they knew what he was hinting at.

They already knew of time travelers like Trunks. The only difference between the two was that Trunks wanted to save them, while Broly wanted them to struggle even more…

"And where were you during their attack on your city?"

Piccolo still continued with his interrogation as if he couldn't belief that Broly wasn't a 'bad guy', just someone overly Saiyan, which wasn't a good thing either as Saiyans are seen as a ruthless warrior race.

"I was having a breakthrough in my transformation, so I secluded myself in a far-off galaxy." Broly said casually.

This, however, had aroused Vegeta's and Goku's interest. Unfortunately, Broly didn't reveal anything.

"All this to motivate us to get stronger. Couldn't you just have sparred with us?" Tien asked helplessly.

"Well, it had to be a real threat, otherwise you wouldn't break through your current limit-" Broly responded while finishing another steak.

He looked over to Alea, who had a happy conversation with Gine on another bench.

"Wait! A real threat? I thought you orchestrated this so could train us??" Krillin screamed out, while his eyes opened wide.

Broly chuckled slightly as he looked at his expression, a shocked bald, hairless, noseless midget-monk.

This sounds like the start of a bad joke, Broly thought as he answered casually, "I ordered them to kill you, obviously…what? Don't give me that look, I would have revived you with the Dragon Balls from Namek…"

Broly held up his hands in defense as he then pointed at Goku.

"Besides, I only did it to distract that idiot. I didn't want him to remind Lord Zeno of the tournament that he had mentioned. After all, this tournament will probably decide if our whole universe gets erased or not! So, Goku just stay put for another year or so."

"He already did." Vegeta said while his face darkened slightly.

"Huh?" Broly froze as he grabbed towards another steak and looked over to the former prince.

Vegeta took a deep breath, which couldn't hide his annoyance towards Goku before he continued.

"He already went to Lord Zeno and asked him to hold the tournament."

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