
What Ever You Need Will Be Provided

"Hm… Should I tell your boss you're coming with me?" Hue Chi asked overbearingly. His eyes gleamed that of someone who will give away the fact that she trespassed on property she shouldn't have and was repenting her crime.

Afraid that Su Na would find out the truth, Yu Sha motioned her hand and asked him to stop. "I'll tell her myself."

She had a feeling that if he does the telling, Su Na would find out that she was out in the woods chasing after some men with a tank top on and then bumped into the Prince of Aires. Even wore his shirt because she was wet with a show through top. Then, when she meant to return his shirt, her stubbornness got caught.

Yu Sha sighed, no matter how well one explained this situation, it would come out wrong and most people would probably have the wrong idea. It's best to keep this problem in the dark.

"Fine, let's go." Yu Sha made her decision. She'll call Su Na when she was out of the vicinity.

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