
I Have An Idea

"So her name is Jei Lan, bring her here," third prince finally found the whereabouts of the maid who was the keeper of his most hidden secret.

He wanted to play with kids but he don't want others to know about it.

Thinking that other Royal children's would make fun of him.

His servants brought Jei Lan in front of him.

He waved his hand and other servants silently came out from his room.

"Third Prince, I seek your forgiveness for this disappearance, I have a better idea now,"

"Did you get my permission before you speak,?" he glared her.

"Pardon, my third Prince," she bent down her head to not see his anger.

"Tell me what is this idea?" he waved hand to show his greatness to spare her.

"I can help you play around," she suggested.

"And how are you going to do this,?" he crossed his arms.

"Mm, I can p-play l-like children do," she stuttered.

His face turned ugly for some time, but then thinking thoroughly, he nodded his head.

"If I could really play like children then its fine but you have ten days time to prove that your idea is great either you know better what would happen to you,"

She trembled but she was somehow confident too.

He dismissed her.

She went thinking some games in her mind.

Afternoon, she came again with a ball in her hand.

"Third Prince, are you ready for a play,?" he was excited to hear it.

"What are we going to play,?"

"Stone Ball, my Prince," she told.

"But it needed few more people to join, isn't it?" his happiness went by immediately.

"My Prince, I have few trusted people, if you permission them they will keep their words too,"

"Bring them along then," he sighed.

Jei Lan brought Wei Lan and Lue Zhen in the Royal play room, reserved only for thirld Prince.

She chalked a round point and told, "My prince, now we will play here Stone Ball and no one will disturb you, you have to increase your points by bringing stone ball here into this rounded pit, did you get it,?"

"We will play in a pair making two teams, this way there will be tough play, team one with try to make points while this team two will stop us from making points,"

She clarified the doubts and explained rules.

"I got it," he understood the game.

They started the game with a chime sound.

Jei Lan had already instructed both Wei Lan and Lue Zhen to play in a way which could bring excitement and happiness in the prince, if he got satisfied then she would request third prince that if he add Lue Zhen in his personal servants then it will be more easy for him to serve in the play whenever prince wished.

This way Lue Zhen will be spared from the cruel hands of first prince because third prince could directly talk to his father king.

Third Prince and Jei Lan became one team and second team was Wei Lan and Lue Zhen.

They started kicking the ball as soon as they got it.

Lue Zhen make sure to make mistake and lost the ball as soon as the third prince reached him which brought more excitement in him.

"This way Prince," Jei Lan shouted.

Wei Lan was near to hinder the coming stone ball by the prince.

Prince reacted on the shouting Jei Lan and finally, Prince's team made its first point.

It intrigue the further development in the game

Wei Lan and Lue Zhen showed such expressions that they were ready to gave them really tough time in the next round.

Jei Lan shared some tactics with the third prince in his ears.

"Thrid prince, did you see there,?" she gestured.

"I think they are talking on something," third prince being six old child only tell this.

"No, they are planning to change their tactics to defeat us in the next game," she slowly poured in his ears.

"Then what should we do to win,?" third prince asked out of concern.

"We should also change they way we played before," prince had seen the children of servants playing this game and he was curious at that time to play this game, now he had chance to prove that he was good player too.

He patted his hand on his chest, "I will show them that I am an expert in this game,"

He looked so much innocent that Jei Lan could not stop herself comparing him when she was first brought to get thrashes from him.

He was after all six years old child.

The game started again.

Jei Lan was giving instructions while playing herself being a team member while other two players were speaking to stop them from making more points.

Prince was surrounded by the both memebers of opposite team.

He was unable to find way through.

The game was getting tense now.

"Little sister Wei, stop him from making points," Lue Zhen instructed at the crucial moments.

"Brother Lue I will take care but stop the other player from getting into it, it will spoil our planning," he nodded his head and moved toward Jei Lan who was close to the points pit.

Jei Lan gestured third Prince in hurry.

Lue Zhen moved.

Third Prince reacted on the gesture immediately.

"Brother Lue Loo this way," there was moment of half breath when third prince was able to kick the stone ball in the pit.

In a flurry, Lue Zhen Lost his balance and while Jei Lan was closer to the pit, he came here to hinder the path but fell on the member of other team, Jei Lan.

"Too much heavy," Jei Lan complained.

"We won, we won," third prince was jumping around.

Lue Zhen looked at Jei Lan, her hair scattered, he spoke in her ear, "You are my wild beauty,"

"Cough, the game is over," Wei Lan reminded them the place and position they were at now.

Jei Lan was blushing.

She reached third prince.

"How was it my prince?"

She bowed respectfully.

"I like it, we will play again tomorrow," he was happy, in fact, much happy.

With the happy gesture he dismissed them for today.

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