
Chapter Forty Eight - I learn about the Standings

The two martial artists from the outer school soon found that the grounds of the inner school was designed in much the same way as the outer school. The only thing was that the corridors were longer, as the inner arena was much larger than that of the outer school. And of course, there was no griffin nest upon the roof.

Therefore the Food Hall here was in the same location as that of the outer school, the north western corner. The aromas were more appetising however and the variety more interesting. Jin Li's plate was soon piled high with various dishes and he seemed disappointed that he could not possibly fit more onto it. Both Leon and Sun were used to this behaviour, but Pike could not help but stare in disbelief as the youth squeezed another spring roll onto his plate. He even went so far as to add an additional portion of meat upon Leon's, expecting to snatch it back.

As they settled down at a table, they came under scrutiny of the other students, all analysing them as potential rivals for the most part. The two small boys were quickly dismissed; there was no way that either would prove a challenge. The tall, pale youth required a second look, for his aura was strong. But to most, he seemed nothing more than an empty vase. It was more disgruntling to the men, that this flower vase attracted the attention of the few females amongst them. These girls were not worried if Jin Li was more looks than skills, they would still be willing to roll a turn or two should he wish it.

A pity that Jin Li's attention was not on them. He had already finished more than half of the dishes on his plate before snitching away the meat loaded onto Leon's plate. Leon did not bat an eyelid at his unscrupulous behaviour, enjoying the slightly spicy flavouring on the rice and stir fried vegetables that he had chosen. He ate a little of the meat, it had a deep, gamey flavour, but it was soon all whisked away.

As Jin Li finally settled away from his empty plate, he was approached by a face he had seen just once before. "Ho, Jin Li," the senior Bowyer greeted. This was the man he had fought as part of his test to enter the school. Jin Li bowed his head in acknowledgement, recalling that this person had good martial arts abilities. "I did not expect to see you so soon. Have you transferred?"

"No, this is a quick visit," Jin Li responded. "I return to the outer school tomorrow."

"A pity," the senior replied. "I had hoped to spar with you somewhat. Your swordplay intrigues me."

"Practicing for the Standings?" Pike asked him and Bowyer nodded his agreement.

"Yes, I will surpass you this year and take my rightful place within the top ten," he said with boast.

"Standings?" Leon asked curiously.

Pike nodded. "For the Martial Arts, Beast Taming and Magic schools, there are two ways for the outer students to become an inner student. One is recognition of talent by a Teacher. The other are the Standings. Students fight and are judged by their abilities and techniques as well as whether they win or lose. And then are placed in order of rank or standing. The top ten students of the outer school can then challenge the bottom ten students of the inner school for their places. It is considered a way for students who are hard working to rise, even if their talents are average."

"And a good way to teach those who fail to practice that their place is not secure. Of course, it is also a good way for outer and inner school students to impress Teachers," Bowyer added, "perhaps gain a personal apprenticeship to one."

"I see," Leon tilted his head. He wondered in what ways an alchemist might prove themselves, maybe transfer from the outer to inner school. He knew from Caprian that one was to stand out, produce a unique or quality pill. But then he shook away such thoughts. He did not want to transfer and move away from his established home. Flying under the radar suited him better, he was sure. But Jin Li was probably different. "If J-Jin Li f-fights in these Standings, he w-will surely transfer," he mused aloud.

Jin Li was internally happy to hear his opinion, but his face turned sour anyway. "First year students do not compete in the Standings," he scowled.

"Oh," Leon replied, lowering his eyes onto the remnants on his plate. He picked at something that resembled a sliced pepper, but was surprised by the sharp bite of it.

Jin Li turned to Bowyer, now feeling the weight of his sword by his side. "It is still light outside and curfew is not until it fades. What say we go for a round now?" He suggested, earning himself a swift slap on the back.

"I like the way you think," Bowyer agreed and both men departed for the arena.

"Will he be alright?" Pike found himself asking, thinking of the huge meal that couldn't possibly be yet digested. But both Leon and Sun simply shrugged.

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