
We The Unlucky Few

Name: Yuki (Yuta)

Doki Dollars: 16

Strength: 6 ( Unlock: 5DD)

Dexterity : 4 ( Unlock: 5 DD)

Magic: 0 ( Unlock: Unavailable)

Intelligence : 11 ( Unlock: 13 DD )


5 DD: Complete sword and breathing techniques each day for one week. (Recurring Mission)

15 DD: Find out your Riku's favourite food ( 1 week to complete)

20 DD: Make up with Rosli

****** Riku's point of view ******

Dear Diary,

I first came to visit the Aikyo residence two years ago as part of my training to become a teacher and a scholar. My first impression that stuck out for me was how quiet the young master was. He struck me as a cute child, sharp icy blue eyes and pointed brows like his father, with long red hair, brushed and swept neatly to the side.

I remember once he smiled when he looked out the window, it was dazzling! He may have been missing a tooth or two due to growing in his adult teeth but I believe that just added to his childish charm (at that moment

I wanted nothing more than to pinch his little cheeks!). I must stress however this only happened once! His face since then seemed to carry with it a permanent scowl, it was a bit unnerving for a fresh teacher such as myself but I realised that was just his natural resting position and things became easier.

I worried up until recently that the young master was perhaps unintelligent as he refused to answer any of my questions. It seemed he was listening but I was not sure how much he took in. His mother once explained to me that he had been ill since birth and for some reason, he quit talking. Perhaps the illness had left him permanently exhausted? Poor thing.

Much to my surprise just a few days ago he began speaking! It was strange to hear such a husky voice coming from such a small child, none the less, I was proud of him!

Since that day he had also begun to stare at me more intently than usual and surprisingly enough only when I have my back turned. I do not believe that he is aware of the fact I know that he does this, but I let him do as he pleases as long as it doesn't interrupt my lessons.

I must say it has been making me a little self-conscious though. Is there something in my hair? Is he tired of my lessons? Does he dislike me?

If it is the latter I must do my utmost to make sure that my lessons are as interesting as possible to make sure that he chooses to keep me as his lecturer!

The money is too good and my family has been doing much better thanks to it, plus the prestige of working for such a well-known family has given me nothing but blessings.

I also selfishly see him as a younger brother, he is my first student, after all, watching him grow up has left me feeling quite proud. Just this morning he tried asking me what my favourite food was. He must have taken him quite a bit of courage as his face was bright red.

I was so stunned I couldn't answer the question and changed the subject. (I am sorry young master Yuki!) Although his complexion has been changing to red hues quite frequently. Perhaps his sickness is getting worse? I do hope for his sake that what I am saying is not true.

Wish Me Luck,


****** Yuki's point of view ******

[ How hard it is to get a damn favourite food from someone?! ]

" Young master, are you okay? You seem to be upset about something" Ki mentioned frowning.

I put on my best smile, although I would at best call it a slight and awkward lip raise and responded: " Oh it's nothing, just digesting the lesson from Riku today!"

I then thought about how amusing it would have been if she knew that I had actually spent all morning trying to gain some courage to ask Riku about his favourite meal for the Doki Doki coin quest only to be shut down mercilessly.

[ I can't believe he changed the damn subject! Curses to my rabbit's courage! I will have to try again tomorrow. I do not believe that he won't tell me, coins and my life are at stake!]

Ki walked me to the garden where my first meeting with Doctor Ishi will be. She sits me down on the bench. We talk for a little before she goes to make some tea for the training.

Ishi had come not so long later. Most of the plan Ishi had made consisted of some stretches and easy exercises. I accidentally fell and reached out for Ishi to catch me (due to my lack of balance) and a message from Kibbles buzzed in my brain.

{ Doctor Ishi's profile has become available. 2DD to unlock. }

[ Why didn't this become available when earlier he touched my wrist didn't he?]

" Meowster, he touched you at that time, you didn't touch him. If you got a profile for everyone who touched you it would cause problems. What if you were on a busy street? Could you image how many profiles you would collect?" Kibbles replies inside my brain.

[ Ahh I see, Unlock Doctor Ishi's profile.]

{ Unlocking Doctor Ishi's profile - 2 DD | 14DD remaining }

{ Event Mission Unlocked: During this rehabilitation session convince Ishi to stop prescribing medical porridge. Reward 50 DD | Kibbles Comment: is it even edible?! }

From unlocking the doctors profile to the event happening began almost instantaneously it must have looked like I was stared into space for a moment. Which in context made sense since I had just almost fallen.

[ Kibbles you beautiful cat, have I told you how wonderful you are? ]

Ishi was still holding me at the time. I took a step back and looked at him as pitifully as I could. My sharp features didn't help gain any pity points but I decided to fight the good fight.

" Are you okay young master? " Ishi was still a little startled from me almost falling.

" Mm thank you, doctor, for catching me, " I said as I touched the back of my neck with my hand.

" Umm doctor can I ask you something? Would it be okay if we changed my breakfast menu? Eating the same old porridge is making me feel a little depressed" I said as cutely as I could muster.

Ishi looked at me like he had just swallowed a fly and lectured. " Young Master, that medical porridge recipe has been in my family for generations. Everything from the lizard scales to the Kempo grass has been added to keep you going. Hmph hmph. It's really good stuff I have been eating it every day for breakfast and look at me!" The doctor then began to flex his muscles.

[ I don't want to see your body... Please put it away! ]

Being straightforward didn't work so I had to think quick, my 50 DD and future plans all counted on that moment so I tried a different route.

" I understand that it is very good for me and you look very young Ishi, however eating the same thing every morning and even sometimes for lunch and dinner has made me rather depressed. Couldn't I just stop eating it for now until I find my love for it again?" I responded meekly.

[ As if that would ever happen, now to unleash my killing blow! ]

" I have also been missing my mum's home-cooked meals because my heart is so weak you, mother and father have all been working super hard for me but alas I rarely get to see my mother.

What sort of piety does a son who never sees her mother have? None. At least for breakfast, I could have her close to me with her cooking." I spout as righteously as I possibly can.

[ Does my mother even cook? Oh well. ]

A warm smile graced Ishi's face after hearing my words and he pats me several times on the shoulder. After he accidentally bruises it he spouts " Oh dear boy, your such a good son. Such piety to one's parents is very rare nowadays.

I will have to tell your mother what a good son she has! So rare, so rare. I know that last time you ate your mothers cooking you started crying but I believe she has improved since then. I am sure she will be very happy to know you wish to eat her meals every morning!"

[There is something worse than that dreaded medical slop? ]

{ Event Mission: During this rehabilitation session convince Ishi to stop prescribing medical porridge. COMPLETE Rewarded 50 DD | 64DD Total | Kibbles Comment: You did it but at what cost?! Congratulations I guess. }

[ Are you laughing at me Kibbles? I need to rethink my life choices ]

" Uhh thanks, Doctor Ishi, you are a kind man" Is all I could muster as a response.

Just as things were about to get awkward, Ki returns to us indicating the end of the session and my escape from Doctor Ishi.

[ You are a perverted back washing angel, but an angel no less Ki! ]

I walk over to her secretly grateful. She handed me a warm towel with one hand and put a pot of tea on the stone table near the pond with the other.

What surprised me however was that just behind her was my mother. I towelled my face with the cloth and put it down. She looked at me for a moment before hugging me.

" Madam, I have some excellent news for you, " Ishi says with pride.

" Oh?, is it about Little Yu Yu? " mother who had continued to hold me at that point looked at the doctor with an expectant face.

[ Please… don't say anything Ishi ]

I held mother a little tighter as Ishi went to recollect the entire fabricated story about how I wanted mothers cooking as well as the progress I had made with my walking. Apparently, I have been doing much better and I should soon be able to walk around by myself.

I had never seen mother smile like that since I have gotten here and I had felt her embrace get a little tighter around me. I guess the previous Yuki has worried her sick.

[ I will try to be a little nicer to you in the future and visit more. I will even eat your hellish food.]

After he had recalled everything mother had taken me to one of the stools and sat me down. Ki was to the side and poured some tea for the both of us.

We sat and chatted about the weather and other things before she decided to drop a bomb on me. If making Princess Rosli cry gave me a stress meter of 8/10 this was definitely an 11/10.

" Son I know you have been worried about your health, but considering you are doing a little better mother has decided to speak to the palace to request an invitation. I do not think it is fair of you to say nothing after hurting cute little Rosli's feelings like that. do you?"

[ Abort Mission! Nope Yuki.exe has crashed ]

" But mother... I" I started speaking before she cut me off sternly.

" I am not saying that you have to be engaged to Rosli if you want to put it on hold till your both older and more mature we can do that.

However, we must handle such affairs with decorum. You are the grandson of a great general after all and he should not have to deal with the court gossip." Mothers reprimanding tone was not something I was used to. My old parents very rarely lectured me on anything. It was likely that was just due to apathy.

[ I wonder what is with everyone cutting me off when I try and defend myself. ]

I sighed and looked at her face. Mothers expression was truly determined. I could not see an inch of wiggle room.

It was at that moment I knew that I could probably die in the next few days by the hand of that crazy crown prince. I gulped in a little bit of air as I was forgetting how to breathe.

" It seems you have understood your wrongdoings. We will go tomorrow to the palace to discuss this properly with his majesty and the princess." mother finished speaking and nodded.

[ Pity party for one please Kibbles ]

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