


A swift breeze blew upon the remaining living grasses in these plains, or what once it ought to be. The landscape has been completely changed into a distorted field. There are craters and canals all around, some wildfires are raging, and there are lots of cracks in this earth. It's good that we have been fighting here in Yami, or else we would have destroyed the nearby town in the Earth Realm.

"I will never kill you, Tiara…"

Rikkun's answer is a straight-up instinct in which he did not even try to think about.

"I will save you, and bring you back. Even if the world turns against you, I will be by your side… The same goes even if you turn against yourself."

Suddenly, Rikkun dematerialized the cybernetic gauntlets on his left hand. He pulled something from his pocket and equipped it on the said arm. It was a red fingerless glove that contains a drawing of a magical circle.

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