
Taking a Break from Training

"You tricked me!!" Zeph's angry shout rang out in the early morning. It was the end of their first week in the forest, and Bernard finally told his grandson the truth about his training. He took the boy back to the training ground in the morning.

"I just wanted you to know how important it was to control your magic," Bernard said in his defense.

"Then you could have just told me." the boy argued.

"Yeah, but then you wouldn't have tried as hard. You should have seen your face when you first cast that energy ball. It was so smug and arrogant," Bernard admonished him.

"So you decided to trick me into thinking I was crappy at magic?"

"No, I just didn't want you taking magic lightly. Besides, if I brought you out here and you did every spell in one try, it wouldn't be much of a training camp would it?"

"No," Zeph grumbled. "But that was still a lame thing to do."

"I know, but you should see your face right now," Bernard said while smiling and holding back a chuckle. That made Zeph more annoyed. The boy lifted his hand and pointed a finger at Bernard's head. Suddenly a small ball of water flew out and splashed the old man's head.

"Take that." Now that Zeph new that a formula didn't need further adjustment, he wasn't worried about messing up and hurting himself.

"Fine, I'll give you that one," Bernard said as he wiped water away from his eyes.

"So was this the surprise you said you had for me when I finally finished casting that modified energy ball?" Zeph asked. His mood brightened after looking at the soaked old man.

"No, the surprise will come as soon as you try to adjust one of the spells you already know."

"What do you mean?"

"Try using that splash spell again, but see if you can modify it. Size, color, temperature, all kinds of things can be adjusted. The better your control, the more adjustments you can make. With your strengthened magic spell and improved control, you should see some positive results. Remember, with enough control, you won't even need to follow a magic formula. You'll be able to make spells from scratch."

Zeph decided to do what the old man said. He noticed immediately how easy it was to change the spells properties. He was able to feel how the magic formed and affected the spell and determined how it worked. It was an amazing feeling, knowing everything he could do to this spell. Bernard noticed Zeph's surprised expression.

"See what I mean? The modified energy ball was extremely complex compared to these other basic spells. That's why we call them cantrips or magic tricks. It's like I was making you lift stones for a week and then told you to start lifting twigs. You should tha-" Suddenly Bernard was interrupted when he was hit in the face with a freezing cold multi-colored snowball.

"I see what you mean. This is a lot easier," Zeph said. He created another ball of water swirling with many colors. "How about a game of bolt grandpa?" Zeph said with a mischievous smile as he looked toward Bernard. "Taste the rainbow!" He yelled, throwing it.


Bianca was lounging on a long chair drinking a cup of tea, two sugars. She had a sweet tooth. Eli was off playing with plants or something, he made a small garden earlier in the week, and the old dwarf was busy watching his "stories" on the Zeph's CV projector. Zeph's kitten was on her lap and purred as she stroked its chin. Lunch was already prepared and she had no pressing matters until she needed to cook dinner. Listening to the sounds of nature, she sighed while enjoying the peace and quiet. 'Camping may not be so bad,' she thought her herself.

"I'm pretty sure I'm gonna be picked the winner," a child's voice said loudly nearby by.

"I don't think so. If you had a mirror, you'd definitely know that I won." His grandpa rebutted.

The arguing voices caught everyone's attention. They all looked towards the entrance to camp that Zeph and Bernard have been using all week. Eli's jaw dropped a little as he stopped watering his mini garden. Alex paused the CV and let out a small chuckle. Bianca got up quickly with a look of worry. The kitten landed on its feet after Bianca dropped it. Its ear twitched and gave her a displeased look, before heading off to nap elsewhere. Bernard and Zeph looked like they got in a fight with every color in the world, and lost. Their hair was disheveled and parts of their clothes were torn, burnt and frozen in some places.

"What happened to you little dude, you look like you got beat up by a box of sprinkles," Eli said, coming out of his stupor.

"Nothing, me and grandpa just had a rousing game of bolt," Zeph answered.

"I keep telling you that wasn't bolt. You were playing it wrong." Bernard interrupted.

"Still fun." the boy said back.

"I'll prepare you both some fresh attire. Can't have you getting sick now, can we." Alex calmly told the two as he walked towards the tents. Zeph admired how the old butler was always so calm and collected.

Bianca hurried towards them before looking them up and down. "Thank goodness neither of you are hurt. Now, can you tell me how a game of bolt ends in torn, burnt and frosted clothes? You two look a mess."

"As I said, he was playing it wrong," Bernard said pointing his finger, and the blame, on his grandson.

"That doesn't answer my question," she said while tapping her feet.

Zeph leaned over to his grandfather, "Is it me, or is she getting grumpier and grumpier?"

Bernard leaned in, "Shifters always get a bit more sensitive when the full moon comes around."

"Ahem!" she coughed. "I'm waiting."

"Grandpa taught me how to adjust spells so we decided to have a little fun while I practiced. Please don't be mad Miss Bianca." Zeph pleaded, trying to act cute and meek. It seemed like it was working because her mood visibly softened.

"Fine, but remember to take it easy next time. I don't want to see either of you get hurt." She said while showing a face of concern. It made Zeph feel guilty. 'Heh, try to make me feel guilty. Well, two can play that game,' she thought. She then gave Zeph a short speech on how sad she would be if he got hurt.

Bernard was watching from the side, glad that Zeph took the focus off of him. "Now, Now, That's enough Bianca. Today's a day for celebration. The boy finished the first stage of his training over a week early. We should be happy for him."

"Yeah, go easy on the little dude. Boys will be boys and all that." Eli chimed in trying to help.

"Fine," she said. "I'll add in something special for lunch. Now you two get cleaned up.

"Sure thing," Zeph replied. "But first can you two answer a question first?"

"No prob, sup?" Eli asked.

"Which one of us looks the funniest," Zeph said while gesturing to himself and then Bernard.

"Why?" Bianca was confused.

"It will determine who won our game," Zeph told Bianca.

"Mr. Malston," Eli declared with confidence.

"I'll have to agree." She looked Bernard up and down and covered her mouth with a giggle.

"While I disagree, at least I can finally clear this mess up." Bernard waved his hand with a slight flourish and then snapped. Suddenly, the mishmash of colors and dirt evaporated into smoke and drifted upward into the air and disappeared.

"Whoa, how did you do that?" Zeph watched with stars in his eyes.

"Simple. Roldan's Magic for daily living Chapter Three, it's a spell called Unblemished." Bernard explained.

Zeph closed his eyes and searched through the mental library made by the Learning Gems.

"Sweet, I got it." He started to cast the spell when he noticed the triumphant look on Bernard's face. As soon as the spell finished Zeph was covered in a layer of smoke.

"Wait, Unblemished doesn't work like that." Bianca thought out loud. Quick Wash was the spell a person usually used to clean themselves. Unblemished was usually used to remove foreign objects from something's surface.

Bernard's only response was to start laughing.

As the smoke started clearing, Zeph was starting to wonder what the old man was laughing at. Until he looked down, that is. Eli and Bianca turned away as fast as possible when they saw that the spell left the boy stark naked.

"What the heck! Not cool man!" he shouted at Bernard and then ran towards his tent while covering himself with his hands.

Bernard laughed for a few more minutes. When he calmed down he told the two servants that he would go apologize and left.

"That was pretty mean. I never knew that Mr. Malston was such a sore loser." Bianca watched as he went towards Zeph's tent.

"Yeah, but it was pretty funny," Eli replied.

"It was more surprising than funny. Did you notice Zeph when he cast Unblemished?"

"Uh huh. I guess I should stop calling him little dude." Eli chuckled.


Bianca slapped Eli on the back of the head. "Not that pervert, I meant his magic power. It was a lot higher than a kid his age should have." Most people couldn't normally tell how much magic a person had unless they were using their magic sense to investigate. It was only obvious the moment someone cast a spell.

"Oh!" Eli thought back to when Zeph cast the spell. Unblemished did need more power than a beginner could use. "I guess that's his grandson alright. The Malstons were always a pretty powerful family. I'm glad that the old man's not alone anymore." Eli said smiling.

Bianca's sighed and started to walk away. "I've got to go set the table."


After lunch, Bernard told Zeph that they would play some games this evening. It was a bit of recreation time to reward his hard work. Everyone gathered at an empty section of the camp. Alex then made the ground rise and shaped it into a giant bullseye. They were going to play darts, but it worked a bit different with magic involved. Bernard told Zeph he would need to use a telekinesis spell to lift and throw the darts at the target. There were three rounds in a match, and the winner of the match got to pick someone and give them one command. Zeph complained that he was at a severe disadvantage. Bernard explained that everyone would use magic to send other player's darts off track. But to be fair, they wouldn't interfere with Zeph's spells.

The game went well. Everyone had a few wins, and silly commands were given to everyone. Bernard had to hit himself in the face with a pie. Zeph was forced to wear girl clothes by Bianca. No one knew where she got them from. Alex had to sing, and Eli was picked on a few times. The elf was not a fan of his new haircut.

After playing darts, they settled down around the table and taught Zeph a few card games. It was a great evening, and he was really starting to feel comfortable around his new family. He thought that he was so lucky that Bernard was the one who ended up summoning him. But, Bernard was even more grateful. He could have summoned a monster or an evil warlock from the past. It could have even been just a regular sociopath with a lust for blood. Anyone could become a powerful threat with an Aetherite body. But instead of making what could be the world's greatest monster, he gained a grandson. Bernard always thought of Alex, Bianca, and Eli as family. But Zeph was different. Even if he had some memories from a past life, Zeph was made and brought into this world by Bernard. For lack of a better word, Bernard created him. It was the closest he's ever been to being a father, and he was really starting to enjoy it.

Zeph got up from the table yawning. "I think I'm gonna head to bed, I'll see you guys in the morning."

""Goodnight,"" Eli, Bianca, and Alex said.

"Goodnight son." Bernard's said. He froze and looked at Zeph to see how he would react to the accidental slip up.

Zeph froze as well when he heard Bernard call him son. No one could see what he was thinking. After one of the longest seconds Bernard ever waited, the boy looked back at the old man with a loving smile. "Goodnight grandpa."


Hope you enjoyed. Please rate, comment and review. Show some love with power stones and have a good day :)


Random Thought:

Clouds are like lakes that are too good to chill out on the ground like the rest of us.

Irksomecreators' thoughts
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