
Diplomatic… Something – 4

(Vladmir's POV)

I got dressed in haste, an angry doctor following my steps. I chuckled as I put the communicator on my ear.

(Vladmir): "Alexa, give me the details."

(Alexa): "The beastman Wolf is back, bringing with him several beastman children and one adult female beastman. By analyzing the features of the female, I suppose that she is his daughter."

I nod. Well, that's a bit unexpected. Honestly, I thought that he would come back only to negotiate the terms, I didn't actually expect him to come back with the children.

(Vladmir): "Take them to the… Starport. Have the marines told anything about where I am?"

(Lexa): "No, they are waiting orders. They only told them to wait."

(Vladmir): "Tell them that I'm returning from a business. I'll meet them at my private hangar."

(Lexa): "By your command, Marshal."

With that I get to my room, with Lyssa right behind me. Fuming with anger from the rude interruption of our fun in the tub. I laugh and squeeze her butt.

(Vladmir): "We are going to continue later. For now, put on some nice clothes. We are going to receive some gests in your medivac."

I say as I change clothes to something with better quality. That said, what to wear? Robes are out of question, I'm from a military nation, supposedly, so… a power armor? No, too much. Umm… let me see…

Ok, heavy pants, black boots, white shirt and a back long coat made of leather. I also put on a pistol on my right hip. Ok, time to see the guests!

(A few minutes earlier, at the gates of Vladmir's base, Luna's POV)

I hugged my sister as we rode the horses to the base of this Vladmir. Me and my sister are riding the same horse, our father not too far ahead of us. I take a glance over my shoulder, looking at the several children mounting the other horses.

They are from all other tribes, bear, fox, dog… the children of the clan chiefs, who were convinced by my speech earlier. They look anxious, even my sister in my arms is fidgety. Feeling her tremble, I hug her tightly, whispering to her white ears.

(Luna): "It's going to be fine. I'm going to keep all of you safe."

She looks up to me, relaxing a bit and leaning back on my chest. We finally arrive at the base of Vladmir. What I see before my eyes shock me. Tall walls made out of metal, enormous warriors dressed in blue armors holding strange things that I guess are their weapons.

From two metal… boxes? In front of the gates, some of the blue warriors point their weapons at us, making me sweat cold. My dad immediately dismounts from his horse, and I follow the example helping my sister down.

As I help the other children, two of the blue warriors approach my father.

(Marine): "Mister Wolf, welcome. Are these the ones that the Commander requested?"

My father lowered his head. I can't see his face from here, but I know it has a dark complexion.

(Wolf): "Yes, they are."

(Marine): "Please wait for a minute."

After that, he went a bit far away from us, with the other one remaining, keeping an eye on us. After a few minutes, the warrior returns.

(Marine): "Follow us, the commander will meet you now."

The gates start to open, not outwards or inwards, but sliding to the side. I've never seen a gate like this. As the other warrior takes our horses, the warrior guides us inside while saying:

(Marine): "Your timing was good, Mister Wolf. The Commander just returned from some urgent business."

(Wolf): "Urgent business?"

My father repeats with suspicious. As they talk, I pick up my pace so I can stand right behind my father.

(Marine): "Yes, some monsters appeared nearby. Their movements were suspicious, therefore the Commander wanted to check by himself."

As we walk inside, I see their camp. No, not a camp. This is on the level of a city already! Several houses, if you can call those metal boxes that, standing right beside one another quietly with lights coming from the entrances.

At the distance, from between the metal houses, I can see enormous buildings and at the sky, flying metal creatures of the same shape. What is this place…

As we walk to an open space, the loud noises of their weapons fill the air as they train against targets from a large distance. My ears hurt a little from the noise, but the soldiers themselves seem unaffected.

I stay back a little to comfort the scared children despite being terrified myself. Eventually, the blue soldier leads us to one of the giant buildings, where the metal flying monsters come and go. It's a noisy place, even more for a race with good ears like beastman.

(Marine): "The commander approaches."

Said the blue soldier, and a different flying monster comes from above. White and green, creating a strong wind as it descends and turns in the air. The back of the monster turns to us, revealing an opening.

From there, I can see a child standing, looking down on us with a serious gaze. Who is this? Father mentioned that Vladmir was young but… a child? The metal monster lands, and the child jumps put.

The metal soldier that guided us makes a strange thing, by straightening his posture, lowering his weapon and touching his hand to his head.

(Vladmir): "Rest, soldier."

(Marine): "Yes, Commander!"

He stood in front of us, his posture straight and hands on his back. He glares at us, first eyeing my father.

(Vladmir): "Mister Wolf, I congratulate you for your courage and decision. They will be on safe hands…"

His eyes wander to me, his voice unexpectedly mature.

(Vladmir): "However, I do not believe that this one was part of our deal…"

My father swallowed dry, and I cursed myself for not thinking that they might not even accept my presence here. This… might be the end.

(Wolf): "I'm sorry, Mister Vladmir. She is my oldest. She insisted in coming together with them."

Vladmir touched his chin, pensive. After a dew seconds, he nodded.

(Vladmir): "Very well. She will be welcomed as well."

My father lowered his head, and I followed suit with haste.

(Wolf): "Thank you, Mister Vladmir."

(Vladmir): "Well then, will you stay for the night? If you want, we can return you in one of our ships."

(Wolf): "Ships?"

Vladmir smiled widely, pointing to the metal monster behind him.

(Vladmir): "This Medivac is one of those ships. We have several of those to transport troops, but you can use them as convenient vehicles. It can take you and the horses back in a few minutes."

We stood there shocked for a moment. Before we recovered, Vladmir said seriously.

(Vladmir): "Well then, let's get the formalities out of the way. Excuse me for a second Mister Wolf."

He then turned to me and the children with a serious face.

(Vladmir): "Well then, younglings and missy! Welcome to the Glorious Armada! I am the Supreme Commander and Marshal of the Glorious Armada, Vladmir Grigori! For now on, I will be your Supreme Commander during you stay in my army!"

He almost screamed, his voice clear over the continuous sound of metal around us, as well the sound of "ships" landing and departing. It's impressive how he managed to talk above the sound. Dad once said that the ability of a commander is also related to how loud he can scream above the sounds of battle.

(Vlad): "For now on all of you will be considered part of the Glorious Armada! Therefore, you will all be trained as soldiers, pilots and fighters! You will also receive education in mathematics, geography, languages, etiquette and military strategies!

In a few moments all of you will be lead to your quarters where you will reside in your stay in this army, as well made aware of our schedule! This is all for the moment!"

As he spoke, a small group of woman approached. All of them are human, as well beauties. They are dressed in similar clothes that the woman that is following Vladmir is using. Simple but high quality clothes under a long white cloak. They made the same greeting as the blue warrior by touching their forehead with their postures straight.

Vladmir answers with the same pose, saying:

(Vladmir): "These women are soldiers and medics of our army! You will follow her right now for a health check up and lead all of you to your future rooms! Follow their orders as they tell you to!"

Sorry for the dealy, haven't been writing at all recently.

KuromoriRRLcreators' thoughts
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