
The Enemy

Daneel would always think back to this day, and every time he did, he would wonder whether he could have done things differently.

Each time he did, he would go through the events, one by one, starting with his 'eureka' moment which allowed him to win the battle.

The idea had mainly stemmed from the words of the entity, its past, and everything he had found out about it from its commander.

The trail to reach that solution had been laid out to him almost like bread crumbs in the forest, but still, if not for the moment of clarity which he had been graced with, he doubted that he could have spotted it.

To understand an individual's weakness, it was most important to get a grip on just what their character was, and this was where Daneel had started.

He had found out about the entity's, or at least, Olivia's past from the commander, who had spoken about it almost in a hushed tone.

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