
Enrollment (5)

"you did what now!?"

"I mixed my mana with hers? afterwards I was able to use darkness magic as a result"

the vice principal started at Mars, then at Victoria for some time until she gave a deep sigh and looked at Mars with a stern face

"don't tell anyone else about that"

"...why not?"

"because it might endanger you and Victoria"

Mars looked at the vice principal and gave a smile

"even I am no match for Victoria when she's serious, she's a class 9 magic beast after all so I doubt anyone would be able to hurt her"

"I see, well just be careful"

the vice principal went back to the blackboard and started to prepare for the class and a few minutes later did the first student show up, a youth about 15 years old, he carried a pair of thick glasses and a self confident air around him as he walked in and sat down, completely ignoring Mars and Victoria, the next student to come to class was a woman around 25 years old with short blue hair, she seemed rather nervous as she glanced at Mars while she walked past his desk and finely the 2 beastmen twins walked in, they both had short white hair with tall fox ears on the top of their heads, one of them seemed interested in Victoria bu was pulled along by the other

"good, now that everybody here today is the monthly spell test"



the confident youth was the only one that seemed excited for the spell test, the others remained silent Mars the only clueless person in the room asked

"what's a spell test?"

the vice principal opened her mouth to explain but the confident youth yelled out before she had a chance to speak

"it's the best lesson all month, also its a change to see my greatness!"

"...well if you say so dude"

"well like Chris said it's testing spells"


Mars stood up, poked Victoria awake and followed after the the vice principal that walked out of the class room along with the 4 other tactical class students and soon they arrived at a courtyard on the outside of the academy that was walled in on 3 sides while the east direction was a clear field with craters

"here we are... now who wants to go first?"


Chris raised his hand impartially and seeing no one else wanted to go first he walked up and stood on a spot with black bricks before he started casting a spell as a ball of light appeared in his hand before he looked over at Mars with a grin on his face

"new guy watch closely, this is greatness!"

not waiting for Mars to reply Chris trusted his hand forwards as a beam of bright light shot out like a laser and hit the containment array with enough force that the ground shock slightly


as Chris yelled the force of the laser seemed to increase and the first transparent containment field broke like a piece of glass but the laser did not get far as the 2nd containment array kicked in and blocked the laser again, Chris stopped the laser spell and put his arms up before he yelled


the vice principal gave a sigh before she looked at the remaining 4 and asked

"who's next?"

Mars looked around and saw none of the other 3 looked eager and stepped up and replaced the still laughing Chris on the spot with the black bricks

"good luck new guy!"

Chris gave Mars a clap on his shoulder when he walked past, which made Mars give a smile back

"luck has nothing to do with it, it's all skill"

"HAHAHA, well said!"

Mars took a deep breath and summoned a small flame witch floated up over his head as it grew in size only stopping when it was the size of a small truck


the flame obeyed Mars's command and shrunk to the size of a ball, the flame was now glowing white like a small sun

"that's the first!"

Mars summoned another 2 fires that like the first got bigger before they too condensed to the size of a ball

"now... FUSE!"

Mars raised his hands and the 2 outer fireballs began to fuse with the middle one meanwhile the temperature rose drastically and as the fusion competed the air became so hot that one would be able to cook a steak on the bricks below where Mars was standing


Mars pointed forwards and the sun like fireball flew forwards towards the array witch closed around the fireball as it exploded with a deafening roar instantly shattering the first and second containment array before the explosion was contained, seeing his spell destroying a containment array more then last time Mars gave a smile and turned around before he walked back and sat down on the ground with Victoria that soon laid on his lap, Mars petted Victoria until Chris walked over with his self confident smile on his face

"awesome spell dude, whats it called?"

"it's a downgraded version of a elven spell called 9 fold explosion, so I guess you can call it 3 fold explosion"


Chris held out his hand

"I'm Chris by the way"

Mars smiled and shook his hand

"Mars, and this is Victoria"

as Mars was talking with Chris the girl with the short blue hair walked up and stood on the black stained bricks and took a deep breath before she trusted out her hand and water began to rise from the ground before it formed a coiling dragon that surrounded her


as she yelled out the coiling dragon seemed to form countless ice spikes that covered it like scales giving it a furious look

"now... GO!"

at her command the dragon flew forwards and crashed against the containment array making it stretch under the pressure before it ultimately held, the dragon seemed even more furious that it failed to break the array and began to claw it while the ice scales suddenly stood up straight before they all suddenly shot out like bullets hitting the array making the first containment array shatter before the second barely held

"she's pretty good..."

Mars watched in awe as the water dragon dissipated slowly, then he gave the woman another look this time with respect instead of his standard 'pure and righteous' look he used on all women in his strike zone

"yeah Karen is a good water mage"

'so her name is Karen...'

"well that's all for today... dismissed"

Mars was a little confused and asked Chris

"wait... aren't the twins going to cast a spell each?"

"no, they are earth mages and specialize in raw destruction, if they both fired off a spell half the academy would be in ruins"

"that sounds... awesome?"

"yeah, you should have seen the vice principal face when they told her about it, it was priceless HAHAHAHA!"

"I can imagine that..."

"anyway you coming along?"

"to what?"

"the cafeteria of cause!"

"...sure I'll come along, Victoria come"

Mars, Chris and Victoria walked towards the cafeteria under Chris's lead and soon the group arrived at the cafeteria where Mars suddenly asked

"where do you pay for the meals?"

Chris gave a smile and patted Mars on the shoulder

"they are free, so eat as much as you can"


the inside of the cafeteria was lined with tables and chairs where countless students where already seated and eating their meals, in one end was there a long table with kitchen staff behind it, they served all sorts of food to the hungry students that was lined up in and waiting to be fed, Mars, Chris and Victoria also walked over and lined up as they waited for their turn patiently but soon some whispers reached Mars's ears

"look it's a beast"

"it really is! I wonder who brought it?"

"it's probably some noble here to show off his new pet"

Mars did his best to ignore the whispers but since it was about Victoria and not himself he still felt some annoyance by the whispers

'well as long as they only talk...'

Mars hoped nobody would make a larger scene out of it and waited as he stood in line but soon someone yelled out

"look there's a beast!"

the shout gathered attention and soon almost everybody in the line was looking at Victoria that seemed uncountable by all the states, so much so that her ears where flopped over and lay down flat on her head her tail was also hanging low with the tip swaying slightly from side to side

'for fucks sake...'

Mars felt lost about what to do until he got a idea and told Chris

"sorry Chris, go ahead and eat without us, Victoria jump into my shadow"


Victoria eager to escape all the states jumped into Mars's shadow and disappeared before Mars walked out of the line and swiftly walked towards the exit with a stern face that pushed most of the onlookers away as they made space for him, except for one that is

"stop right there!"

Thanks for reading! :D

we hit 200k views and 200 followers, thank you all very much for your contribution I would do some bonus chapters but I'm so behind at this point I'm barely keeping up with the 3 chapters a week.

next chapter Wednesday hope to see you all then

zad1333creators' thoughts
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