
Caveman life (3)

when Mars arrived at the river to wash off the soot that was covering his entire body he was once again face to face with his new neighbor but now they where on the same side of the river


as Mars locked eyes with the big cat from less then 10 meters away he awkwardly greeted it, the cat looked at the wired man that was butt naked and completely black from soot as it slowly backed off

some distance while looking at him with cold eyes that clearly asked 'what kind of pervert is this?' while Mars felt like he had just been pinned by a label he would not be able to get rid off again he quickly tried to explain himself

"no, you see this is the result of getting stronger, training if you will... so please don't look at me like I'm some kind of pervert"

the harsh eyes of the cat soften somewhat seemingly understanding his exponentiation, but it still turned around and ran off, only stopping at the edge of the forest turning its head back while its horns flashed with a glint off black light, Mars fearing an attack tensed for a second before a cold and smooth feminine voice appeared in his head

"human... weird"


stunned by the telepathic message from the big cat Mars remained dazed while looking at the it as it ran off into the forest only waking up from his daze several minutes later while convincing himself

"well there is flying horned horses so a telepathic cat is not so weird.... well lets just wash up"

spending almost an hour scrubbing and washing soot and ash off his body Mars eventually became somewhat clean but he still felt like he had gotten a shade darker from sot, but decided to stop trying to get clean as he would use his new 'giant fire power leveling' method more later so he put on his shorts and went back to his cave while he gathered a little more firewood on the way

"...well the bath woke me up a little but it might be best to eat some meat and then take a nap"

after eating and roasting some of the still not spoiled bear meat Mars napped for a few hours before he woke up around noon

"what to do now... starting work on some new clothes might be good but I would rather tire myself out so I can sleep tonight, so lets gather some more firewood for now"

grabbing his lumber ax and hatchet Mars walk into the forest to gather some fuel for his class advancement, but after he got some way into the forest he started to feel like he was being watched by something hungry

"this feels like its a spider again... no there is more then one this time"

acting like he had not noticed anything out of the ordinary Mars went on with his task while he felt the presence of his stalkers closing in

"two... five... seven in total huh"

feeling the hungry spiders might pounce on him soon Mars slowly transformed fully into his more dragon-like form for the second time in his life, knowing that it would have an effect on his mind he tried to remain as calm as possible while he waited to act

"just a little closer..."

having his sense sharped Mars felt like he could almost 'see' the spiders when he heard the creepy sounds of 42 spider legs softly moving to surround him on all sides


as he heard the leg muscles of the spider right behind him tensing up to jump him Mars yelled out and jumped straight up at the same time as the spider jumped at him while spreading his legs out to the sides as a gymnastic and swung his lumber ax down between his spreed legs straight into the face of the still invisible spider


as the beautiful sound of spider face meeting ax entered his ears Mars threw his hatchet at another spider while he used his legs to set off the spider mid air jumping further into the air as he pulled out his lumber ax, landing on a branch in a nearby tree at the exactly same time as first spider hit the ground and his hatchet pierced the brain of the second spider


the remaining 5 spiders clearly understood that they had been ambushed by their prey let out a loud scream that sounded like a rusty nail being driven across glass

"HAHAHA how is it to be ambushed? it sucks right!"

Mars taunted the spiders while he jumped down from the tree as he rushed at the closest one while wearing a bloodthirsty smile before feeling his dragon sense tingle and quickly dodged rolled to the side before something shoot over his head and hit a tree close to him, not having time to observe what it was as he now was close enough to his target that it attempted to nail him with one of its front legs he jumped while bending his legs backwards and rising his ax over his head with both hands on the handle as he felt the spider leg gaze his right knee

"this little spider went BOINK!"


using all his power Mars smashed his ax down on the spider almost splitting it in half, feeling his dragon senses tingle once more he let go of his ax that was deeply embedded into the spider and the ground under it and rolled off to the side while something passed him and landed where he just where, looking at his lumber ax and the corpse of the spider that was now covered in some kind of green goo and slowly melting while giving off smoke he looked to the biggest spider presence and yelled

"don't you know its considered rude to spit acid at your own goons!?"

getting more acid spit in return for his remark Mars dodged to the side and ran to the spider corpse with his hatched embedded in its skull, 3 of the remaining spiders rushed at him while the bigger spider continued to spit invisible acid at him as he ran zigzag from tree to tree dodging the spit while he loaded his right hand with 5 units of kinetic energy

"now we are having fun, right fella's?"

as he neared a spider that was charging at him from the front blocking his route to the hatchet Mars got as close as he could before the still invisible spider stabbed at him with his front legs, avoiding the first leg while the second leg gazed him on the shoulder he slipped to the side off the spider and put his loaded hand onto the side of its body

"and this little spider went BANG!"


as he activated his [Energy: discharge] with the loaded amount of kinetic energy the spider was blasted off to the side like it had just be hit by a trunk, while saying a silent prayer for the spider Mars used the rebound form his energy discharge to roll the the side dodging more acid spit

"you are not very good at this whole spitting thing are you?"

arriving at the spider corpse with his hatchet while taunting the spiders Mars did a front flip over the corpse while pulling his hatched out for extra style points when he landed he bent his body to the side almost dodging a spider leg that scarped his back, steeping forward to restore his balance he chopped at the leg cutting it cleanly off while dodging the second front leg as he stepped in he planted his hatched right in the face of the spider spewing green blood all over his face

"...you could at least have taken me to dinner first"

as he now was covered in spider blood Mars decided to load his [Energy: discharge] with 5 units of thermal energy in his left hand while he closed in on the last spider that was charging at him and after easily dodging the front leg attacks he was use to by now he set his left hand onto the body of the spider

"and this little spider went KABOOM!"


unloading thermal energy into the body of the spider its body fluids expanded as they where rapidly heated up causing almost half of the body to explode spraying pieces of spider flesh and green blood into the surroundings and onto Mars covering his entire left side in hot spider blood while he stood still with his hatchet in his right hand looking at the still invisible spiting spider

"...looks like we have ourselves a stand off, so come on my hatched vs your spit"

slightly bending his knees Mars waited for the spider to spit its acid and after a few tense seconds the spider spat its acid, reacting almost instantly Mars threw his hatchet and quickly jumped to the side imitating a cretin renegade DEA agent during bullet-time, as he landed on the ground his hatchet went through the brain of the spitting spider

"...looks like that's it for now"

standing up and walking over to the spitting spider Mars saw that it was almost 2 times as big as the other spiders almost 3 meters high

"that is a really big spider"

looking after his hatched Mars discovered that it had hit the spiders acid mid air and was starting to melt

"...well that sucks"

undoing his dragon transformation Mars used his flame to burn all 7 spider corpses to ashes as he had no intention of eating spider meat he only picked up the 7 beads form the ashes


as he picked up the bead from the spitting spider he felt that he would gain status points form it and felt a little happy until he remembered that he was covered in green spider blood

"...and right back to the river I go"

thanks for reading! :)

i tried to change up how the combat feels, hope you like the new writing style for combat (with jokes and stuff) because i like it so it stays ;)

next chapter Friday hope to see you then

zad1333creators' thoughts
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