
First Date

There had been no other remarkable incident after Shen Yi's meeting, and they proceeded to meet one of his clients for lunch. All worked well, and his nose was spared from further torture as they left the building. Fortunately, no one had even dared to raise the scene they 'accidentally' walked into in fear that Shen Yi would unleash his wrath and fire all of them on the spot.

Life seemed to return to normal when they came back to their hotel suite after lunch, and Lu Xinyi found herself adjusting well on her new life as his wife. So far, there were no big problems that came their way, and she wasn't really looking forward to deal with any.

It was startling to realize how quickly time had passed between them. Lu Xinyi had initially thought that living with a man would give her more headaches, but compared to living with her ex-boyfriend, being with Shen Yi came naturally to her without a problem.

She was slightly overwhelmed at first because she wasn't used to having someone looking after her household chores, but with Madam Jin's help, running and keeping their home was easy and manageable so far. Many little things went wrong that required both of her and Shen Yi's attention, but Lu Xinyi was glad that none of it was something that could drastically ruin the merging of their lives.

"Lu Xinyi wake up. You promised a date with me." Shen Yi nudged his sleeping wife. Even before he married her, Shen Yi knew that Lu Xinyi liked taking a quick nap whenever she isn't busy.

"Hmm… Alright, give me a minute."

Lu Xinyi yawned and stretched like a cat as she stepped out of their bed. It was strange for her, though, that she wasn't rushing around to prepare for work unlike before; the change was not unwelcome though.

She took a quick shower and changed her business clothes to a casual dress, Lu Xinyi then decided she was ready. Glancing in the mirror for the last time, she smoothed down her white dress and smiled at her reflection.

After spending quite some time observing her husband, Lu Xinyi had discovered what colors he favored and had made sure that her dresses would complement his whenever they're out. Her white dress highlighted her best features and her feminine curves.

Too bad though, she was lacking on 'that' department. She was immensely satisfied with her look and decided to keep her hair down and free.

Shen Yi was patiently waiting for his wife in the living area. Eventually, he heard the sound of her flat sandals on the tiled floor and looked up to see Lu Xinyi standing in the doorway, waiting for him to get up from his seat. His breath got caught in his throat as he watched her walked towards his direction and sat beside him.

"Somebody call the cops because it's got to be illegal to look that good." Shen Yi said, not noticing he just voiced out what was on his thoughts.

"Shen Yi! Urgh... You're hopeless."

"Hopeless romantic?" he amusedly asked.

"S-shut up!" Her face flushed immensely.

"So… where are we going?" she asked as she secured the straps of her sandals on her feet. He insisted on this first date with her so he should have something on his mind to where he was taking her.

Watching as she bent forward to fix her sandals, Shen Yi noted that her dress was new. Did she make a last minute shopping before they left the capital city? He decided that he was going to keep an eye on her because the last thing he needed was for his wife to become the center of attention of men outside. He certainly didn't mean that he wanted all her attention only to himself.

No, of course, Shen Yi would never admit that he was jealous. He was certainly not possessive of his wife. Definitely not.

Lu Xinyi stood up from her seat, her dress swishing as she stepped up to him. Shen Yi quirked a brow at her extended hand.

"Let's go before I changed my mind."

He assessed her for a moment and then took her hand.

"We'll go visit the ruins. You can't back out on your words. You should take responsibility when you make promises."

Now in a less kept shirt and light trousers, Shen Yi led her outside and pulled out a pair of sunglasses to keep a part of his face hidden in public.

"I don't remember making a promise for this date." Lu Xinyi retorted.

"Still, you already agreed. So, come on, let's get going. We can get a taxi or take a train again if you want to."

"Eh? I thought it's walking distance from here?"

"It is."

"Then let's walk instead. We can see more along the way if we walk." she chuckled as she began down the road, but Shen Yi pulled her arm.

"You're taking the wrong way, Xinyi. See? If I wasn't here, you will be lost."

Lu Xinyi laughed, turned and quickly went after him.

"Lead the way then, my darling."

update: 2/10

Enjoy the fluffs and YiYi moments for this volume because I'm sure there would be less on the next volumes.

anjeerikucreators' thoughts
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