
Chapter 3

Captain ceased from looking on the vile corpse as he felt a threat closing towards them. He stood up and looked ahead the dark road towards the horizon. Because he was standing on a ground, no matter how tall he is, his vision were only limited. But he is certain that something is coming.

"Corporal, what do you see up there?" said Captain Arthur as he leaned towards Corporal Nathan.

"...Ahh nothing sir." He said as he looked towards the direction where Captain Arthur was pointing with his finger.

Captain felt disappointing but he was somewhat felt glad. He trusted his senses on his whole career that's why he was still alive until today.

"Wait!" Corporal suddenly said as he saw a pack of feeble light appeared from afar about half kilometer from their position. It looks like a swarm of fireflies slowly traveling towards them that made him feel anxious.

Captain Arthur hurriedly get on top of the hood of the Humvee where Corporal was on, blocking his sight completely with his wide back.

"Men, prepare yourselves... we're going to have guest."

* * *

Evanne was still taking a video on her digital camera, He had enough and quit bothering Tian, her camera man. With a mix feeling of pressured and annoyed she is expressioning through her face.

" Why did they not allowed me to get out of this stupid car?!" She muttered.

" I am a press and it is my job to spread this information to the public, especially when its this king of news...The public has the rights for this," She said strengthening her conviction.

Her passion on her job enriching more, getting hype to get more stories to tell. With a bit of guilt on her chest, she couldn't care more.

She squint her eyes and furrowed her eyebrows. With a kind of personality of shrewdness and mischievous she had, she would do anything just to achieve satisfaction.

"I should send this to editorial even without their permission," She muttered with a wicked smile she had in desperately way. Like a criminal whose completed their resolution to commit a crime not thinking about the consequences.

"Perhaps, this news would no doubt that the world will make a ruckus for this!" She said.

"Our station will quickly go up the rank since the source will be me, Evanne Catherine from ATI broadcasting company, will be soon be promoted in just 2 years!" She grinded having a thought of things to motivate herself more.

"...But this footage is not enough, if only I can get a better angle." She continued.

She looked around with desperation in her eyes as the cold wind slaps her cheeks, she felt it and looked at the direction from where did it come from.

As she turned around, her bluish eyes grew wide, it was filled with optimism because of the reason she was waiting for.

The soldier standing beside the humvee is no longer there.

"...CHANCE!" It suddenly came out of her mouth unconsciously. (Oops) she covered her mouth with her hands. The word she was looking for that will going to bring her towards success.

The the devil's luck of coincidation, the guard was not there and there is no signs of him around nor the other UN peacekeepers.

She put the strap of the camera in her neck as she struggled her way through the driver seat, crawling her way through narrowed space inside the vehicle.

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