

The rear facing engines roared and coughed out black foul smelling smoke as massive contra propellers of the waiting wing ship slowly came alive, the propeller blades turning faster and faster until they became a blur to the naked eyes. The wind generated by the spinning blades kicked up a constant spray of seawater as the wing ship floating next to the docking pier powered up its engines, ready to take off at any moment.

Dozens of Marines carrying sea bags and their personnel gear, marched down the pier and into the yawning tail hatch that was wide open. The rear hatch was massive, large enough to load an IFV or even a MAW spider tank in, was currently being boarded by Marines. At the same time, on another pier that led to a side hatch of the waiting wing ship, Blake stood frowning as he looked at a stack of intelligence reports that were just wired over.

"When are these taken?" Blake yelled over the roar of the engines as he flipped the pages inside the docket folder.

"Twenty nine hours ago," Trism yelled back. "Intel back home downloaded the images off the scheduled data dump from the orbiting probe. Once the data analysts compiled the data, Lt Tavor immediately send the report over the communication balloons!"

Blake nodded, deciding not to pit his voice against the aircraft engines. He flipped through the report another time before he returned it to Trism. "Inform Saphia. If she still wants to return home, she has to find her own way back."

Trism nodded as well and took a step back and saluted before he hurried off the pier, away from the roars of the engines. Blake cast one last look at the supercarrier sitting tranquilly inside the cove before he turned and made his way to the side hatch where a goblin flight crew stood waiting and enthusiastically saluted and greeted him at his approach. "Hail big boss of bosses!"

Amused, Blake returned the salute to the excited goblin before he entered the passenger cabin. Seated in an officer's cubicle, Sherene looked up with a smile, their child already asleep in her arms. "Is there a problem?"

"The damn Protectorate had made a push into the dragons' territory," Blake explained as he sat down next to her. "The intel just came in."

"Saphia's people are under attack?" Sherene frowned as she recalled the gorgeous looking black dragon. "Will they be alright?"

"They shall be, after all, they have been fighting against the Protectorate for so many years," Blake replied. "And they are protected by a natural barrier of frozen land. It will not be easy for any force to cross."

"Does Saphia know?" Sherene asked again.

"I had Trism inform her," answered Blake. "If she wants to leave the UN and return to her people, she has the freedom to do so."

"But you will not provide any help?" Sherene shook her head at Blake's expression. "How could you allow a single female... dragon... to even travel across half a world alone, especially at these chaotic times?"

"You are right as usual, my wife," Blake smiled gently as he held her hand and kissed the back of it. "So, my dear wife, what do you propose?"

"The dragons are on the other side of this world right?" Sherene clarified before continuing. "She would have to pass through the lands of the Cartel before crossing the lands of the Iron Kingdoms, before finally arriving home..."

"The whole journey would take one month?" Sherene furrowed her brows as she made some mental calculations. "Or more, due to the current situation as detours would be needed to avoid warzones."

"She will need definitely need an escort," Sherene said. "I don't think she will make it back safe if she goes alone..."

"True," Blake nodded. "But also, by the time she reaches the Dragons Domain... one way or other, we will know which side is winning."

"So you agree to my plan?" Sherene asked with a small smile. "Will you send an escort with her?"

Blake smiled back and leaned over and kissed her forehead, "Of course, but who to send? I can have them use the Old Ugly since it is available..."

"How about Magister Thorn, if he agrees to?" Sherene suggested. "He has always expressed his wish to see the home of the dragons."

"He can also represent the UN when meeting with dragons," Sherene added. "And establish friendly relationships with them."

Blake nodded, "If he agrees, he shall have the position."

"And one more thing," Sherene said hesitatedly. "They can also search around for news of Takao..."

"You didn't forget did you?" Sherene's eyes narrowed as she stared at Blake who did not meet her glare. "You forgot!"

"Erm, yes, I have forgotten about it..." Blake sighed as he admitted his mistake. "I will get Intel on it..."

"You better!" Sherene growled. "She is MY people!"


The Old World, Fort Anchorage, Waterfall Abode 16

Saphia was dozing off on her favourite spot inside her cave abode when the bell to her abode rang. The ding ding ding of the bell woke her up from her dreams and she sleepily crawled over to a large horn like object on the wall and pushed the lever.

"Black dragon Saphia?" The horn cried out and she nodded sleepily while making some noises of acknowledgement.

"I am calling to inform you, as of yesterday, the Protectorate has invaded the lands of the Domain of the Dragons," The voice said in an eerily calm tone. "The dragons are at war with the Protectorate now."

On hearing those words, Saphia snapped awake and she grabbed the magical speaking horn in panic. "What? Are they all alright?"

"We currently do not have more information at this time," The voice replied. "But we have two options for you."

"One, if you still wish to remain with the UN, you are welcome to," The voice stated. "You will be given a contract and once the terms of the contract are up, you are welcome to do whatever you wish, as long as no laws are broken. This means, upon accepting the contract with the UN, you cannot leave the UN without explicit orders."

Hearing this Saphia's expression fell. She knew that if she accepted the contract, she will have no freedom. Feeling torn between her desire to join the UN to be with Blue Thunder and the younglings and the feelings of her home being invaded, made her pace around her cave in uncertainty.

"Second, you can leave," The voice continued. "If you are returning to the Domain of the Dragons, the UN will provide a small escort to escort you home."

"Who will be my escort?" Saphia asked curiously as she halted her pacing. While she was naive, she too knew that the distance was too great for her to make it back alone. It was a reason why she remained with the UN despite coming back to the Old World.

"The Old Ugly will be your escort," The voice replied. "If you agree to the second option, a crew will be selected and assembled to be your escort."

"I choose the second option!" Saphia cried out urgently. "When can we depart?"

"In two day's time," The voice said. "You will be contacted for a briefing once the crew has been gathered. Thank you and have a nice day."

"Wai-" Saphia wanted to ask more but the caller had hung up. She stared helplessly at the speaking horn for a moment before she spun around and rushed out, leaping off the cave and flying over to Blue Thunder and Rastraz's cave abode.

She landed on the ledge of their cave and rang the bell, pulling the bell rope urgently. She could hear the grumbling tones of Blue Thunder as he came to the cave opening and poked his head out of the curtains, "Blue!"

"Saphia?" Blue Thunder looked surprised. "What? Why are you crying?"

"Its... Its..." Tears flowed down her cheeks as she sobbed at the cave way.

"Who is it?" Rastraz called out from inside the cave. "The twins are awake!"

"It's Saphia!" Blue Thunder called back. "Something is wrong, she is crying!"

"What? Ask her in then you big dummy!" Rastraz came waddling over. "Did you make her cry?"

"N- Noo!" Blue Thunder quickly replied as he dragged Saphia into the cave. "She just started crying in front of me!"

Rastraz pushed Blue Thunder away, gesturing him to look after the twins while she checked on Saphia. She frowned at Saphia who was bawling away and in a surprisingly gently tone, asked, "What happened?"

"Its... My... home..." Saphia sobbed loudly as all her pent up emotions came out. She missed her home and family dearly, having separated from them for so long. Hearing the news of a Protectorate invade right into the heart of the dragon domain made her fearful for her grandmother, family and friends. "It's... under... attack... sob!"

After making sense of the bits and pieces of sentences between tears, Rastraz came to the conclusion that Saphia's home was being attacked by the Protectorate. Blue Thunder came back with the twins hanging on his back and asked cautiously, "Is she alright?"

"Her homeland is being attacked," Rastraz sighed as she settled down next to the crying dragon and comforted her as best as she could. While she felt jealous of Saphia and irritated that her kids like her so much, she understood her misery and loneliness as she once awoke to a world where her kin has all disappeared.

"Oh, no! By the Protectorate?" Blue Thunder made a guess and seeing the nod from the two dragons, he cursed wildly only getting smacked on his head by Rastraz's tail.

"Watch your language!" Rastraz hissed. "Don't teach the twins!"

"Oh! Sorry!" Blue Thunder sheepishly replied. He craned his head back and checked on the twins who were snuggled together on his back and had fallen asleep once more. Letting out a sigh of relief, he turned back and asked, "Did you ask for help?"

"Th- They said, that they will allow me to return..." Saphia having calmed down, could finally speak properly. "A- and they will provide me an escort."

"Ooo, that's not too bad," Blue Thunder bobbed his head. "Who or what is going to escort you?"

"The Old Ugly," Saphia replied. "They are still gathering the crew..."

"Nice!" Blue Thunder bobbed his head more. "The Old Ugly is a good ship! The Captain used it to save the Princess!"

"But would that be enough?" Rastraz asked. "From what I know, Saphia's homeland is on the other side of this world... And a single ship against an entire Protectorate fleet?"

"Ohh..." Blue Thunder frowned as he realized the implications. "Erm... Ras... Do you think we should follow along?"

Rastraz snapped her head around and glared at Blue Thunder. "And risk the twins?"

"But... Saphia is all alone... and... because family?" Blue Thunder stammered under Rastraz's glare as he tried to come out with a good reason to convince her. "Didn't... you always... wanted to find... other ancients of... your kin?"

Rastraz's glare softened as she started considering Blue Thunder's words. It was true that she always wanted to find more of her kin, the elder dragons as she wanted to know what happened to them all when she was hibernating inside a volcano. Seeing Rastraz deep in thoughts, Blue Thunder quickly added, "Saphia's grandma might be one of the elders you are searching for and might be the key to your questions!"

Rastraz narrowed her eyes suspiciously at Blue Thunder who quickly turned around and acted as if he was checking on the twins. She turned to Saphia who was leaning against her, her teary eyes looking at her with hope and desperation and Rastraz let out a soft sigh. "Alright, we shall follow along to keep you safe and see if I can get the answers I want!"

"YAY!" Blue Dragon cheered as he swooped over, giving a surprise hug to both the dragons. "There's nothing stronger than family!"

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Picture Blue Thunder doing a Fast n Furious Van Diesel...

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