


"Coming. Who is looking for this old man?" Huan Meirong and Zhi'er heard some coughing and the rough and tired reply of an old man as they walked to the counter.

"Meirong is.

My apologies for disturbing the elder but Meirong needs of the elder attention," she apologized, the old man didn't sound that good.

'A good girl,' the old man couldn't help but give a simple praise in his heart; he wasn't expecting an apology because there was no need of one as it was his job to manage this store. Moreover, her voice sounded like the one of a well-bred lady which gave him a surprise; such ladies tended to be arrogant or faked to be gentle.

As someone who had lived long enough and resided where plenty of servants came to buy and talk, he was aware of it; there were little females in the gentry that were truly kind and benevolent and the lady in front of him seemed to be one but her looks didn't seem to fit.

'Is my assessing wrong?' He thought before quickly shook it away. A customer was a customer and some had given him quite the surprise in the past so he promptly replied, "There's no need, young lady.

*Cough* It is me the one who must be apologizing for not being present," he returned the apology before turning around to look at his grandson, saying, "And you brat, who let you address a customer as big sister?"

"That…" The little kid wanted to say something but didn't know what to say while Zhi'er nodded in agreement at the old man questioning.

Huan Meirong couldn't see their expressions and motions but by the tone of their speech and the slight movement she felt in the hand she still had on Zhi'ers shoulder, she could imagine the scene; it was a funny sight that made her remember her grandfather of her past life who was stern but lovely at the same time. So she laughed, saying to the old man who had turned back his sight to her with her laugh, "It is alright. Meirong addressed herself like that to the little kid."



It is still wrong but…" the old man paused and looked back to his grandson, adding, "Only this time."

Then, he turned back, giving a slight courtesy, saying, "How can this old man help the young lady?" He didn't think she was one by her old attire but giving how polite and gentle she talked, he addressed her like one.

"Oh, it's a long list. Meirong needs some herbs…" and then she began to slowly tell the name and quantity of several one and two rank herbs.

The elder listened carefully while the little kid took out a paper from a box in the counter and began to write.

"… and twenty leaves of the Warm Skin Flower Tree, all of low-quality." She didn't ask for a higher quality; if the old man doesn't have those herbs on low-quality, then, this store simple can have them.

"Hmm…" The old man nodded in sign of having listened to all her words; then, he said, "This old man has all of them but… some went back to the stock and are lower than low-quality. This old man doesn't recomme…"

"It doesn't matter, just triple the amount of those," she interjected before he could finish his advice.

The old man wanted to advise again but he only opened his mouth without saying a word. She had sounded so confident and without really caring about it that he just complied, "Hua'er, bring a chair for the young lady and the little costumer and then come with me. Young lady, little costumer, put yourselves comfortable; this may take a little time."

Huan Meirong was surprised, this old man had strange manners; he had grown old in a kind way.

She didn't reply and just sat when the chairs were brought with the help of Zhi'er.

Zhi'er didn't take a seat, though there was another chair for him; he just stood to a side of his miss and waited. He tried to be a good kid and behave but from time to time he would curiously look around or play with his hands.

Huan Meirong didn't try to persuade Zhi'er for him to sit as she was focused on separating the several herb fragrances in the air to see calmly what other useful herbs were here; she had only named the ones she needed right away.

Time went on and she got some surprises with some of the smells she recognized but she was kinda sceptical, 'This is a small store, right?' she wondered.


I wanted to post them before the power stones reset but I couldn't so... as it is still Sunday for me, I will try to update the other two before the next check-in :)))

LinaBellcreators' thoughts
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