
Chapter Eight: Finn

The team wakes up the next day, preparing rations of food and getting everything ready for the journey. The three, Alex, Siran and Zia say their farewell to Vivi and head out. They were to head out to Tylon, a city east of Farnhardt, the town Alex is from. The only thing left to prepare is finding transportation to their location. They began walking, in hopes that they can either find transportation on the way there or at least make it there before they run out of food. Getting past the border and checkpoints of Omnia would be their first challenge. They'd have to go around like they did on their way back to Seeira if they don't want to be caught, thus increasing the effort for their journey. After a couple days of walking, they've made it past the border of Omnia and avoided Farnhardt as to not attract anyone whom might recognize Alex's face. Not far away from Farnhardt, the three are approached by a car. The car pulls over and the lady driving it asks them "Where are you headed?"

"We're on our way to Tylon" Siran replies. Alex tries to avoid eye contact in case it was someone from Farnhardt, someone who might recognize him.

"That's kind of far, isn't it?" She asks. "Get in, I'll take you there"

"Really?" Siran asks, "that's awfully convenient and nice!"

"Well, it is on the way" she replies, "so it's no trouble really"

The three of them get in the car, all of them feeling rather awkward from just getting help from someone. After one long awkward silence filled road trip, they arrive outside of Tylon, and the three leave the car, giving their thanks to the driver.

"Oh yeah" Siran says, "I never asked your name"

"The name's Tanya" she says.

"Well" Siran replies, "thanks Tanya. It really was a big help"

"No problem" Tanya replies, "Good luck on your journey!" And she drives away. Alex, Siran and Zia take a good look at Tylon before entering the city. It was a pretty big city, with lots of residential and business areas. They walk into the city, trying to find whatever information they can that might help them without standing out too much. They first come across a bar, and Siran is the first one to suggest going inside.

"It'll be a good place to start when looking for information" Siran says, "as well as I could always use a good drink!"

"Well" Alex says, "this round is on you this time. I paid for your last one"

"Deal" Siran says.

They go into the bar and sit at the counter in front of the bartender. There was a man, average size, white skin sitting at the counter. The man, to their surprise, strikes up a conversation with them first.

"Good night for a drink" the man says, "ain't it?"

"It's always a good night for drinking with the right mindset" Siran replies.

"I like your thinking" the man says, "I think we'd get along swell"

Siran just laughs a little and they all drink a little to break the ice. They didn't want to ask questions immediately, so that they wouldn't arouse suspicion. Eventually, the man introduces himself.

"The name's Finn" he says, "nice to meet ya!"

"My name is Siran" Siran replies while shaking his hand. "Oh by the way, have you heard about anything going on in this place recently. Like all the people going homeless or something? I even heard about some guy who's been robbing government buildings"

Finn pauses for a moment and says "can't say that I know too much about that". He immediately averts his gaze and stares at the bar counter, thinking to himself. Siran pauses for a moment too and then says "well, it's not really any of my business, just curious"

"Everyone these days are curious about something" Finn says. "Whether it's about rumors, what tomorrow will bring them, or anything really"

Siran just nods his head a little they just chat for a little while longer before all four of them leave the bar.

"Do you know anything about all the people going homeless?" Siran asks. "Where is all that happening? That news sounds terrible"

Finn just simply points north-east with one hand as he picks up his cup with the other hand.

Finn was the first to leave by himself, then Siran, Alex and Zia leave together not long after him.

"Well that didn't help at all" Alex says. "We didn't even get any information about that notorious thief"

"On the contrary" Siran says, "I think we just got lucky"

"What do you mean?" Zia asks.

"We found our thief" Siran replies.

"Wait" Alex asks, "that guy?"

"Yep" Siran says. "His body language sold him out when I brought it up. All we have to do is follow him"

"Are you sure it's him?" Zia asks.

"It's the only lead we have" Siran replies. "Besides, even if he's not the guy, he may just lead us to another place to find more information"

"Well that sounds like a nice plan and all" Alex says, "but which way did he go?"

"North-east of here" Siran says, "where Finn pointed too when I asked about the people going homeless"

"Well" Zia says, "it's definitely a solid start"

The three of them head out towards their new destination, and along the way they encounter a figure in the shadows turning down an alley. Siran peeks around the corner into the alley, observing the figure and then following it. After a while of following, they all emerged from the alley and a street light lit up the figure they were following, exposing Finn as the dark figure they were following. Finn darts his head back and forth to check if anyone was following him and then runs off. The three follow him as discretely as possible. Eventually they lost sight of him when approaching this building that belonged to the Omnia government. This building was a social affairs building. It was clear to them that Finn had gone inside. When they approached the door, it was still locked though.

"How did he get inside without breaking anything?" Alex asks.

"This guy is really good" Zia says.

Siran just looks over at the nearest window, which appeared to still be closed.

"You planning on going inside through there?" Alex asks. "It's no use, all the windows are locked, aren't they?"

Without responding, Siran sticks his hand through the window, but the window did not shatter. His hand simply went through it as if it were a mirage. Siran looks over at the other two and says "illusion magic. The window only appears to be closed but it's actually been open the whole time"

Siran climbs through the window and Zia follows after him. Alex debates with himself on whether or not he wants to follow as well but eventually comes inside behind Zia. Not long after entering, they find Finn inside the building, who was very alarmed at the sight of them.

"Who are you people?" Finn asks. "Are you from The Ly'Lum?"

"No" Siran says, "we're just simply passing through"

"Passing through...?" Finn asks. ".... a government building?"

"Look" Siran says, "I'll ask one more time. What's going on with all the people going homeless around here? The Ly'Lum is doing something fishy again, aren't they?"

"This is none of your business" Finn says, "just leave and I won't have to use force!"

"That sort of thing won't scare me" Siran says. "But if you're busy, I guess it can't be helped" and Siran begins walking out of the building. Zia and Alex both look very confused, but both of them shrug their shoulders and follow behind him. Finn then stood alone, with one eyebrow raised and a lot of confusion to sort out.

"Are we just going to let him leave without learning more?" Alex asks.

"Of course not" Siran says. "Now follow me"

The three climb to the roof of a nearby building, getting a good view of Finn's only escape route. After Finn leaves the building, they follow him from a distance. Finn stops at several different stores, picking up different kinds of food and then moving on. They eventually follow him all the way to these broken down and abandoned houses that look like they haven't had residents for many years, but one of them appeared to have a lamp ignited on the inside. Finn looks around again to make sure no one followed, once again failing to find out that Siran, Alex and Zia are still following him. He then goes inside the abandoned house, the one with the light inside. The three sit outside the house. Alex and Zia are sitting below a window and Siran is sitting on the front porch of the broken down house, all of them listening to what conversation may be going on inside. To their surprise, the first voices heard was of a few small children shouting "Big brother Finn is back!". The house seemed full of happiness at Finn's arrival. Finn greets everyone and starts passing out food for everyone. After an hour or so, the noise starts to calm down, as children go to sleep and the other adults in the house begin working together to clean and start putting out the lamps. Finn goes back outside with a cigarette, stands on the front porch lighting his cigarette with magic and then nearly has a heart attack at the sight of Siran still sitting on the porch.

"What are you doing here?" Finn says, "I thought I told you to get lost"

"Your mouth said you didn't want us around" Siran replies, "but your eyes were begging for help"

"You're ridiculous" Finn says.

"Not the first time I've heard that" Siran replies.

Finn sighs and sits next to Siran. "What do you even want" he says.

"I want to help, of course" Siran says.

"And why should I trust you?" Finn asks.

"That's a good question" Siran says.

There was a short pause of Finn just staring at Siran, expecting an answer.

"Oh, you wanted a reason, didn't you?" Siran asks. "I don't have one. I guess you'll either have to trust me or keep struggling by yourself"

Finn just stares at Siran for a little while longer and begins laughing. "You really are ridiculous! Look, I'm not about to just trust some guys. So if you don't leave, I'll make you"

Siran just looks over and says "Then how about a deal?"

"A deal?" Finn asks.

"We can fight if you want" Siran says, "And if you win, we'll leave, no questions asked"

"And if I lose?" Finn asks.

"Then we stick around and help these people here, but you'll have to join us later" Siran says.

"Join you with what exactly?" Finn asks.

"You know" Siran says, "I'm not too sure what we're gonna do yet. Whatever it is though, has to do with eventually taking down The Ly'Lum"

"Are you nuts?" Finn asks, "taking on The Ly'Lum? That's just begging to die!"

"We'll never know that until we try" Siran says.

"Well" Finn says, "I'll have to knock some sense into you somehow. If I win, then it'll be clear that you can't challenge The Ly'Lum"

"Then do we have a deal?" Siran asks.

"You do have yourself a deal" Finn says as the two stand up and face each other. Alex and Zia move towards the front of the house and then sit on the porch to watch the fight. Both of them seeming uninterested and tired.

Finn starts the fight with a punch. Siran dodges and Finn gets behind Siran. As Siran turns, Finn throws another punch that Siran tries to dodge but fails. However, his fist goes through Siran, like a mirage. It was another illusion. The real Finn jumped above Siran and hammered him in the face with both of his fists, bringing him down to the ground. Finn tries to throw another punch while Siran is down, but is thrown back by a sudden and extremely powerful blast of wind. Siran gets on his feet and says "I win".

"Don't get so full of yourself just yet!" Finn says.

In the blink of an eye, Siran moves from where he was lying down and into Finn with his fist planted in his gut. Finn hit the ground gasping for air, currently unable to breathe. Finn passed out for a brief moment, but his breathing returned to normal.

"How... the hell?" Alex asks, "did you move that fast?"

"Buff magic" Siran replies. "Speed increase to move faster plus a stability increase to make my body able to withstand that much speed without falling apart"

"You're nuts" Alex says. "You nearly killed him"

"I made sure to pull the punch enough to not kill him" Siran says.

After a little while, Finn gets back up. The three were gathered around him, making sure he was still alive.

"Remember" Siran says, "we had a deal"

"You mean to tell me that you plan on helping these people AND fight The Ly'Lum?"

"Yep" Siran replies.

"Is that what we're doing?" Alex asks.

"I thought it was pretty obvious" Zia says.

"Wait, you guys didn't even have a plan?!" Finn asks. "You really are a ridiculous man!"

"You can says that again" Alex responds.

Siran helps Finn back on his feet. Finn walks over to the porch and picks his cigarette back up and relights it. He looks back over at Siran and says "Well, we do have a deal. I'm not going back on my word now".

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