
Ironhammer Dwarves

The whole tavern fell silent as we entered, every male patron and even female patrons looking at us in shock like we were completely out of place. "Why are they all staring at us?" I froze whispering to Anna.

"Don't worry just act like you belong." She smiled and confidently walked forward.

Trying to act confident I began following her as all the patrons watched us their heads following us as we approached the bar.

"Two water's please." Anna confidently ordered for us and sat at a pair of free seats.

"Here you go, ladies." The barman served us two tall glasses of water. "I haven't seen you two before, adventurers?" He questioned curiously while wiping down the bar.

"Of sorts, we're Students of Atlantis," Anna answered making the barman gasp in shock.

"Make sure you girl keep an eye out, there are some groups that aren't happy with what happened to the city." He warned us quietly.

"Don't worry we are more than capable of defending ourselves." She smiled.

"Is it dangerous to be here?" I questioned quietly a little worried.

"I haven't overheard anyone here openly show disdain, but just be careful girls." He warned us quietly.

"Anyways we were meant to meet some Dwarves here, have you by any chance seen a band of them?" Anna questioned.

"Ahhh yes, over there." He pointed to a distant table of six very stout looking Dwarves starting right back at us, who quickly turned away when we turned to look at them.

"Thanks." Anna thanked the barman tossing him two gold coins for the drinks.

"That's far too much...." The barman refused, sliding the coins along the bar top back to her.

"Don't worry about it." She smiled.

"It's honestly too much, only 20 copper." The barman smiled.

"Sure," Anna said handing him one silver coin, "Don't worry about the change and stood up.

"Thank you." I quietly thanked the barman and stood up with Anna.

Anna quickly dropped five gold coins into a nearby jar filled with random sort of coins along with some scraps and began walking through the bar to the Dwarves. As our eyes met they quickly looked extremely awkward and began to panic noticed that we were heading their way.

"Greetings I'm Anna Redrose and this is Emilia Patel, we are here in place of Paul," Anna informed them and pulled out a nearby stool and grabbing a nearby one for me.

"Can we get both you girls a drink?" A gingered haired dwarf with a thick long beard asked us smiling happily with a comically Scottish accent.

"That won't be necessary thank you," Anna smiled politely declining his offer.

"Fair, Fair." He nodded.

"So the Black Dragon Slay sends his lapdogs instead of meeting us personally!" A black-haired dwarf looking noticeably younger if not the youngest among them, slammed his fist on the table clearly showing how angry he was turning away from us.

"I assure you that he had no intention to offend, please let me introduce myself. The newest member of his Team and this is Emilia she's a very close friend to Paul." She introduced both of unfazed by the young Dwarfs outburst.

"Will ya shut your gob Thostraed." One Dwarf shouted over him. "Please mind my nephew he's still young and hot-headed." An older Dwarf apologized for the recent outburst.

"What how are you all okay with this?! He's insulting our house and Name!" Thostraed argued.

"Will you shut your pie hole!" One of the older Dwarves ordered.

The oldest looking dwarf of all of them thumped his fist on the table silencing all the other Dwarves instantly and causing some of the other surrounding patrons to turn around.. "Thostraed Go outside and see our rams are properly tended for." The eldest dwarf ordered making the young dwarf murmur and angrily stomped out. "If you don't mind me asking young Miss, what reasons does the Black Dargon Slayer have for not meeting us today?" Another adult dwarf kindly asked.

"He sends his most humble apologies, he currently occupied helping the homeless and those who lost everything during the incursion," Anna informed them.

"A noble cause." the dwarf nodded and began whispering to the eldest.

"Agreed, well since it's our first time meeting, I'm Orrock Ironhammer current chief and leader of house Ironhammer, beside me is Orivreat Ironhammer my chief engineer and my oldest brother, to my right is Fograek Ironhammer my greatest fighter and head huntsman, and this is Thrasir and Nomrak Ironhammer." the eldest nodded introducing each and everyone and proceeded to pull out a scroll and began unraveling it in front of us. "So as far as what we can see from the rubble and remains this is what we believe the district looked like," he said pointing at parts of the map. "There as some problem areas, that we couldn't identify as well as some improvements we can make, it's layout and style is well a bit naff. Please take this to The Black Dagon Slayer and finalize the plans and arrange payment, we are only fifty dwarves strong but rest assured we will finish the job as fast as any other house." He explained and requested.

"Paul has reassured me that your house is the best house for the task at hand." Anna smiled.

"And the arrangement for supplies have already been finalised?" One of the dwarfs questioned.

"Yes, he has assured me he will have the materials when needed, If you don't mind could we have both plans the previous and the improved with a list of materials of each?" Anna nodded.

"Very well." Orrock nodded making Thrasir and Nomrak began to quickly scribble and draw things out on a new scroll, "Then it is decided the House of the Iron Hammers will hereby accept your request." Orrock nodded causing Orivreat and Fograek to place two large mugs in front of Orrock Anna and I began filling it with some form of drink from a leather fur-lined flask.

Annna reached out for the drink causing me to instantly follow suit mimicking the Orrock. without a word, he began to down the drinking making us both begin to take our drinks. As the alcoholic beverage neared my nose the strength of the beverage began to make itself clear as the scent of a very well-aged whiskey with a hint of Oak, I instantly began to regret my decision to follow suite as the strong spirit hit the back of my throat the warmth was welcoming and surprisingly smooth but I could instantly feel the alcohol rush up to my brain.

All the other Dwarves laughed and chuckled at how quickly I had to put down my drink but was then suddenly silenced mouths gapped in shock and awe, as Anna without flinching finished the beverage faster than the head Dwarf and slammed her mug to the table completely finished with the Orrock following a fraction of a second behind.

"Wow young lass! IMPRESSIVE!" Orrock bellowed in joy and approval as all the Dwarves pulled out more mugs and even topping up the small mouthful I had of mine.

"One last one for me, I'm still responsible to guard the Black Dragon Slayer while he's in town." Anna smiled and began to slowly drink her mug enjoying it more slowly.

"So both you two young lasses guard the Black Dragon Slayer?" Fograek chuckled looking at us inquisitively.

"Say is it true that you and his team cleared our a Bihyr nest all by yourselves?" An older Dwarf questioned.

"That is true," Anna smiled making all the Dwarfs look at us in astonishment.

"How many adults were there?" Orrock asked extremely eager to hear the answer.

"There were six mature ones in total with along with four young adult ones." Anna causing all their jaws to hang open in shock.

"But how?" Fograek asked.

"That would be a trade secret." Anna winked raising her mug for a roast, making all the Dwarfs sigh and chuckle with laughter raising their mugs in suit.

"Wow... six Bihyr's and a nest must have been worth thousands of gold! not including the mission rewards." Two Dwarves began to discuss.

"Unbelievable even our most experienced warriors would struggle with just two." They all answered in disbelief.

"Young miss not gonna touch your drink?" Orrock asked me politely.

"Sorry, it's a little strong for my taste, but it is a very lovely beverage." I laughed awkwardly hoping i didn't offend them.

"Ahhh, Sorry young miss Dwarfven spirits tend to be very strong," He chuckled.

"So was your travels far?" I questioned curiously.

"Three day's ride the journey was a little treacherous though." He chuckled with a smile like it was an ordinary occurrence.

"If you don't mind, could you pass on a request to The Black Dragon Slayer for me," He questioned politely.

"Sure." I smiled.

"If you could request him to maybe send some help to accompany my house members to the city safely, of course, I'll offer a fair price for the service." He requested.

"I am sure he will accommodate." I smiled.

"My greatest thanks." He smiled giving me a small toast forcing me to take a small sip of my drink.

As I put my mug back down hoping I wouldn't need to take another sip, Anna's hand gripped mine and with her other hand pulled my mug away from me, "I'll finish it for you." Anna smiled like she could read my mind.

"Are you sure?" I whispered hoping she wasn't intoxicating herself on my behalf.

"I'm fine, don't worry." She smiled at me with no sign of flushed cheeks or even slurred speech like the alcohol had no effect on her.

"Here are the plans and material cost of both, Miss Anna." Thrasir and Nomrak politely informed us handing us four sets of scrolls.

"Thank you for your time and service, I regret to inform but Emilia and I must take our leave," Anna informed them making them all respond a little disappointed. "If you all would like to stay the night and travel back tomorrow, please accept the cost of rooms, stay and any other forms of hospitality on The Black Dragon Slayers behalf." Anna requested placing a small sack of coins on the table and stood up.

"Please send the Black Dragon Slayer our most humble and deepest thanks for choosing us for this task." The Eldest Dwarf thanked standing up holding a hand out to shake.

"Thank you, Orrcok Ironhammer and the Ironhammer clan, I hope this won't be our last meeting" Anna thanked them and bowed solemnly causing me to bow in respect as well.

Thank you sam107 for you never ending support!

Sorry for the big hiatus Covid hasn't been friendly to me and my family recently, I'm gonna try and get back in the swing of things. Thank you again to everyone who takes the time to read my work =)

Vanilla_Crowncreators' thoughts
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