
Gone Wrong?


A woman draped in a flowing purple robe gracefully stepped into the street, her presence exuding an otherworldly beauty. The fabric of her robe cascades down her figure, hinting at the soft and wonderful curves hidden beneath. Her full bosoms added to the allure of her figure, accentuated by the delicate folds of her attire.

The rich, regal hue of the purple contrasts with the dark ethereal light that seems to surround her, plunging her into a wisp of concealment.

Her face was hidden behind a silky purple veil that whispered against her skin along with each movement, and on top of her head was a conical bamboo hat. Despite the obscured visage, a captivating aura emerged from her, yet not a single passerby was able to sense her presence, much less catch her figure as she walked right past them.

As she walked in the busy street, her steps were slow and uncertain.

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