
Straight For The Treasure

The Infernal Lightning Emperor's expression constantly changed from despair to rage was already an eyesore for Davis that he couldn't help but mention to Sect Master Lea Weiss.

"You forgot to say that his descendants and ancestors would also meet a tragic fate as promised."

Davis raised both his hands. His soul force surged as it entered the Purple Soul Flame Lantern and energized it, making it radiate into a bright purple glow before purple flames began to spread out as it plunged towards the city below like it was raining flames.

The Infernal Lightning Emperor's eyes shot wide as he saw a huge number of meter tall strands of purple flames rush into his Infernal Mountain City and burn thousands of people, all powerhouses and experts who attacked the Emperor of Death earlier using their infamous infernal lightning and all kinds of lightning that Davis hadn't seen before.

Some even used extinction lightning to defend themselves.

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