

Davis instantly let go of Sophie Alstreim's blonde hair into smoothly holding her head from falling with his palm. 

"Sophie... Sophie!" 

He considerately called out as he patted her pretty face twice but seeing that she didn't respond but just kept breathing a bit heavily as her bosoms heaved visibly; he gently wrapped his arm around her waist as he made her sit up and examined her state.

Sophie Alstreim wore a pure white robe, but it had been stained with a bit of blood. Her rosy lips were quite pale, while there was a bit of blood above her lips, indicating that she had bled from her small nose. She didn't seem to be wounded at all other than appearing to have received blunt attacks to her body. 

She was still alive without a doubt, albeit breathing a bit heavily while her expression said that she was exhausted like a dried-up river.

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