
Hand Over The List

Kayan Alstreim inwardly sighed before he gestured his subordinate to speak up. There was no use hiding it since he knew that this must be taken care of as soon as possible.

The subordinate nodded his head, "Everyone! I just heard that Alchemist Davis had requested the Jaise Alstreim Inn to procure some resources from Jaise Alstreim's own mouth. Apparently, she is going to release this news to this list to the public and buy them so that she could collectively sell it to Alchemist Davis."

"What!? Is it true!?" Many people displayed the same reaction as they echoed.

The atmosphere became boisterous as they became dismayed. This ruined some of the initial plan they had in their minds.

"Yes! I felt that if we could obtain the list and get the resources instead, we could successfully gain the favor of Alchemist Davis!" The subordinate answered.

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