
Her Identity Is Very Suspicious (8)

Biên tập viên: Misty Cloud Translations

Li Shihong frowned slightly, and began to recall various deeds of Huang Yueli after he arrived at the Cloudy Qilin Clan.

At first, he didn't have any expression on his face, but as time passed, the expression on his face became more and more serious.

When no one mentioned it, he had never thought about it carefully.

However, once he was led to think about it, Li Shihong easily found some doubtful points.

For example, he has never seen Huang Yueli make a serious move.

Although Huang Yueli had had several disputes with Li Leyun and Li Zijun in front of him, the two sides were relatively restrained in their actions, and neither time has she ever shown any special skills.

Under such circumstances, it was too easy to hide one's own strength.

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