
Triumph in the First Battle (2)

Biên tập viên: Misty Cloud Translations

The arrays set up around the granary were mainly on defense. There wasn't any attack function at all.

No one expected that when those devils triggered the arrays, it exploded and caused so many of them to be injured or killed!

"What's going on?"

When the human soldiers recalled the earlier scenario, they turned to look at Huang Yueli in fascination!

"Surely not? Could it be that… Team Leader Li had done something?? But how did he manage to set up the array? That profound skill requires a high level of mental power and innate talent!"

While everyone was in a daze, Huang Yueli pulled out a dagger from her waist.

"Don't stay in a daze! Charge and kill the enemy! If you miss this chance and can't earn any military merits, don't blame me for it!"

"Ah… Yes!"

The soldiers suddenly woke up from their stupor and all of them drew out their weapons and charged at the devils!

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