
No way to hide

Biên tập viên: Misty Cloud Translations

Momentarily, Luo Jiyun didn't know where to start from and started hemming and hawing, "Yes…. We met with a bit of trouble….."

His thoughts kept swirling around.

Li Moying and this Second Senior Brother, Li Lingchuan, had never been able to get along, with plenty of tussles between the two of them. Li Lingchuan had chosen to appear at this timing and since no one knew his motive, should he tell the truth about Li Moying's current condition?

But if he didn't say and delayed Li Moying's condition, it would result in a serious consequences. If he were to tell, how much should he reveal?

Just as Luo Jiyun was hesitating, Li Lingchuan was already looking in the direction behind him.

"I never thought that Senior Brother would send out the rescue order since his subordinates are around. It seems that things are not as simple as I thought. Let me guess, could it be that Senior Brother's illness has acted up again?"

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