

I found Leon in the library and I slowly made my way over. "What are you reading?" I ask from behind and he just smiles as he returns a book in writing I couldn't read. "Just killing time while waiting..About what I asked you yesterday, Are you adopted?" He asked as he turns to face to me.

"Wait, wait, wait.. before we get back to that I'd like to ask what the hell you were doing yesterday?" I ask putting my hands on my hips. He smiles and walks past me saying "I wanted to know.. so I tested it myself. Though I am serious.. you are free to drink from me whenever you need." He turns around and watches me with dark eyes and I find myself swallowing hard.

"I appreciate the offer Leon but I would like to keep things as simple as possible.." I say in a small voice and he gives me a knowing smile. "I want to know what makes you tick, I want to know what pulls at your desires and most importantly, what you really want." He says as he sits on the large couch. I walk over but keep standing.

"The more I learn, the more I'll know, the more I know the more you'll know. I will never force you to do anything against your will Syn." He says looking me in the eyes. "That's what I'm afraid of.. " I mumble under my breath and judging by the smirk on Leon's face, he had heard it.

Why am I feeling this pull to Leon? It wasn't intentional.. no, it felt more primitive. "I don't know if I was adopted or not.. it never came up and I never got the impression I was.. What would change if I was adopted?" I ask sitting on the edge of the couch.

He watches my every move and his eyes becoming even darker as he says "Everything..." We stare at each other for a few seconds before Rune clears his throat breaking the moment. I go to get up but he grabs my hand and sits between Leon and I. "What do you mean by everything, Vampire? What would Syn being adopted or not change?" Rune ask the question I myself wanted to know.

Leon smiles, now looking at Rune and says "Before I can tell you that I have to check some things. I have my men currently working on it so it shouldn't be too much longer." I feel Rune growing impatient "Stop giving me the runaround Vampire, whether you and you men find anything doesn't change anything right now. You can tell us what you're thinking.. what you're suspecting."

Leon's smile disappears as he has a mini stare down with Rune. "Sigh.. fine but at this point it's all speculations. The Vampire's have three large families and from these three families you have several branches that create vampire's of their own but these three families are different. They are the originals.. the Royals.. also known as blue bloods.. and one of these families was attacked several years ago... I would say.. right around the time Syn was born."

Rune suddenly stands up dragging me with him. "No, absolutly not. I think we no longer need your help Vampire." Rune quickly turns away dragging me with him and I find myself compleately lost. What just happened? "Unfortantly I'm no longer here just to help Syn.. I'm also here to investigate.. I was sent by the council Rune." Leon says causing Rune to freeze.

"And if I deny the council?" Rune says with his back to Leon and I find myself growing worried. "You know what will happen Rune, is that something you want to happen? I wouldn't make this any harder than it already is." Leon says still sitting on the couch. I look between the two but they seem to be completely ignoring me...

"So why is it you? Is it because Syn use to work for you? Or maybe because you consider the two of you friends? Or is it something else? Why is it you?" Rune ask finally turning around to look at Leon. Leon was still not smiling and was sitting so still he looked like a statue. He takes a slow breath and says "I'm here as one of the head families Rune and if she is the missing child... she would belong to me."

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