
Red Demon Locust Orcs -Part 1

The Pandarian Guards did not give a shit about the recent guest that came into their village since their hands were full with all the defending against those scummy Locust Orcs who decided to eliminate the entire village just by existing.

The guards could only assume that they were already nearby the village and it was only when Jin and Captain Hei were in a fight between each other that The Locust Orcs finally knew where to go. And judging by the amount of spiritual power that had been clashing in that area, the Pandarians and even Captain Hei had believed that the Orcs had decided to play safe by getting more of their brethren to come as backup.

But the Pandarian Guards could not believe the number that was present just to win against them. All they could do was kill the Locust Orc that was right in front of them and nothing else. Jin, on the other hand, who had relayed the information to his group, made his way to where he had come from. 

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