
Chapter 326 : The Manor

Two days quietly passed, neither Lucy nor Arthur did anything that may bring attention. Lucy bought a decent-sized villa on the Eastern side of the capital and passed her time either reading a few books or meditating. Arthur, on the other hand, kept possessing that small flower decorating her hair.

If he returned to his original body, Makaze would surely not calm down like last time which may cause their location to be discovered. Furthermore, they didn't leave the capital for two reasons. First, they need Losha's help, even if they have to force her to fix Makaze.

She knows Lucy's identity which means she can snitch on them whenever she wants. So, fixing Makaze takes full priority as he needs to be ready to fight anyone coming from Lucy's clan. Second, Arthur needs to visit Jian Si and inquire about the prince and princess who had gone missing a few years ago.

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