


Kai has fought against the dragon of darkness Dahak and with much difficulty managed to kill him. Unfortunately, he has lost conscious after crashing to earth.


Kai was currently drifting inside a dark space, it was surrounded by many broken buildings and destroyed rubble. He wondered how long he had been drifting inside the dark void.

It felt like thousands of years that he had spent cooped up inside this place. The last memory of his was that he had defeated Dahak inside the blood orb. The rest was a blank.

He didn't know what was going on with the rest of the court or more specifically with Harry.

In the beginning, he had forgotten everything even his own name, but as he drifted through the void, he slowly started to remember more things. His past life as a shut-in and his desire to gain abilities as well as to enter the Harry Potter world.

He didn't even know what it was in the beginning, but as time continued to turn, he slowly remembered his love and devotion to the series.

There was one memory that stood out, it happened when he was 13. He was in his classroom and the break had started, the other kids had always thought he was weird because he always carried books with him. And not the thin books, no he had books that spanned hundreds of pages long.

This caused him to seem like a social outcast, many of his generation had never picked up a book in their life. Instead, they were always playing video games or sports.

He had always been the odd one out, neither the geeks- the most unpopular group or the jocks had wanted him. He was a loner.

So instead of trying to make friends, he buried himself even more in his books. But there was always one series that he loved-Harry Potter.

It had caused him to feel connected as they both had much in common. While he had parents that loved him Harry didn't, but they both didn't have friends and were social outcasts.

While Harry was the one that was abused and mistreated, he had also felt something like his situation mentally. While he wasn't physically abused or attacked, he had felt different, like a black sheep in a herd of white sheep.

Kai started to develop an inferiority complex and spent most of his days cooped in his room daydreaming about various adventures he could have with the golden trio- Harry, Ron and Hermione.

These daydreams slowly manifested into writing and he created various fanfics that slowly became well known in the online community.

They helped him with life and he eventually became an author, from there he had saved up and finally gained enough money to travel the world. Unfortunately, he had been killed in the terrorist attack in Israel.

After those memories that consisted of his life on earth, he floated through the void, his body that was previously incorporeal slowly became more and more solid.

After a mental block that caused him much anguish and had slowly built up to contain more and more pressure. He finally smashed through the block and new memories trickled through the gap in the mental wall.

These memories consisted of his new life in the Harry Potter world. How he first arrived, how he met Tom and various others. However, there was a glaring gap in all of them.

He had felt that there was something wrong with him, something that was blocking his memory of someone important to him. After trying time and time again to remember what it was, he failed time and time again.

But he didn't stop trying. While he was trying to recover his important memories, his appearance changed from his human form to his vampire progenitor appearance. However, there was a difference in his appearance, instead of his hair being a midnight black it had tinges of white at the tips.

The memories slowly loosened as he felt glimpses and foreign feelings overcame his mind. They were full of protective intent, love and care. He caught glimpses of a boy's back running as he chased after him, his laughter ringing out in joy and happiness, warming Kai's heart.

Kai knew that he was missing something and felt a power that was foreign but familiar at the same time awaken inside of him. It started to attack the wards and barriers that were intercepting his memories. As they were slowly overcome, Kai remembered the power- it was the blood orb.

Eventually, the wards were overcome and Kai felt the influx of happy memories gush into his mind. They were about his son Harry. How could he forget him? He was his everything, he had only understood that after he had lost him. He was so foolish, instead of raising him and staying with him he decided to go on an adventure that resulted in Harry's abduction.

He remembered the first time Harry had accepted him, he was only a year and month old at the time but even then, he instinctually knew that Kai was a threat. Kai had spent the month just talking to him about random subjects and telling him all kinds of general facts before the infant trusted him enough to reach touching distance.

From there he had spent months slowly gaining the young boy's trust and eventual love. He had managed to worm his way into the boy-who-lived's heart and the boy had managed to do the same to him.

It had taken him some time to understand this but eventually, he understood that he had come to love Harry as his own and his own parental instincts that he had thought hadn't existed were showing slowly.

The boy had started to show the tell-tale signs of being a vampire from an early age. He was incredibly handsome, anybody could see that he would be coveted by women. He also manifested signs of a genius level intellect and easily understood what Kai said merely a few days after the transformation.

He had started to call Kai "dad" and while the vampire progenitor had tried to continuously correct him, they eventually settled on him being the "big brother."

The first time he had taught Harry how to hunt, the boy had instinctually declined the hunt. Instead, he had asked Kai why he had to kill an animal to drink its blood. "Why couldn't we ask that deer for its blood?" He asked naively.

Kai had to explain to the boy that animals wouldn't listen to his words and instead would attack and try and hurt him. This spurred Kai to slowly introduce Harry into hunting for his prey without traumatising him too much.

He had told Harry that he only had to catch the animal and bring it to him. "It was like the game catch," the vampire lord told his son. But he discovered that Harry was, in fact, okay with hunting his own prey.

He had only asked Kai his question because he was curious not because he couldn't hunt by himself. Kai watched his son hunt the deer in such a natural and confident way that caused him much disbelief.

He was ready to help the boy but he discovered that he had no need to do so as he was fine and instead of being traumatised, he said that he wanted to play with Kai again.

Kai continued escorting him for the next couple of weeks until he was sure that the boy was fine on his own. After returning home that night he understood that the fact that he was turned at such a young age where he wasn't influenced by society and had his vampire instincts had caused him to see animals as food.

Kai had spent many hours with Harry teaching him how to live with humans and other magical creatures without viewing them as prey or discriminating against them like the rest of the wizard kind did.

As the vampire lord continued to receive his memories, he found his body was recovering and that his mind was reconnecting with his body. The void was, in fact, his mindscape that was being repaired after being destroyed by the [Devilification's] power.

He theorized that the ability was too powerful and had overtaxed him and thus he was sent into an unconscious state, disconnected from the rest of the physical world until his body and mind recovered.

He noticed that when he finished recalling his memories of Harry, the blood orb had reconnected with his mind and core.

This helped solidify his theory and as he continued to think about the theory, he felt the tug of his physical body calling out to him. The link between his body and mind was being reconnected and after what seemed like forever he left his mindscape in a rush of darkness.

Sorry for the inactivity, I was trying my best to build up a plot for the third arc that was planned and wasn't made on the spot. Hope you enjoy this arc, I put lots of thought into it.

dragonfang1917creators' thoughts
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