
Introduction - Death by...

Starting his normal routine, Xander put on his headphones and has just begun to run around his high school for exercise. Wanting to keep his body in shape for basketball season and to earn another national championship. But just as he was on his second lap, everything became dark and his music stopped.

When Xander was able to see again, he noticed his surrounding has changed. He was in a room where everything was white, and right in front of him was a gorgeous woman that was wearing a white, long robe.

"What the hell just happened and who are you?" Xander blurted out loud.

"Calm down, you just died" the women responded and continued, "I'm also the Goddess of Life."

"Why would I be calm? How did I just die? I was just fine running a second ago." Shocked and confused Xander couldn't believe what was happening.

"Well... some heavy luggage fell on your head. A plane with a broken luggage compartment flew over you and some luggage fell out. But it was a mistake by the God of Death"

'It better be a mistake. Death by luggage sounds so lame and pretty much impossible.' Xander thought.

"So I will give you a second chance. You will be reincarnated into the world of Mianeria. It's a world that's filled with monsters and magic. "

"Will I get something that will help me in the new world, since you know... I don't have any experience with monsters and magic?"

"Yeah I'll give you something like that. Well I hope your ready, I'm sending you their right now."

"Wait what do you mean by..." Xander couldn't finish his sentence in time before being reincarnated.

When Xander was gone, the Goddess of Life whispered to herself while frowning, "That little Death God better not accidentally kill another person or i'll make him pay. Man, that was his third time accidentally killing someone."

After waking up Xander felt water surrounding him. Getting up on his feet, he suddenly had a splitting headache. Knowledge was being inserted into his brain at a ridiculously fast pace. It was the knowledge of this new world that he has been reincarnated in.

Mianeria a gigantic world, at least 5 times the size of earth, was only occupied by 2 giant empires and thousands of small kingdoms under their rule. The empires were on different continents but were also pretty close to each other. The only thing that was between the two continents was a small ocean and the dozens of islands in it.

The empire on the eastern side of the ocean, the Arthur Empire, was full of humans who could become superhuman warriors and mages. On the western side of the ocean was the Dragon empire, where all the humans can turn into beasts or monsters. Both of these empires fight to become the supreme existence of the world. But after thousands of years of wars and battles, none of the empires have came out on top. They both were evenly match and couldn't do anything to each other.

Warriors, Mages, Beasts and Monsters were categorized by stars. The more stars they have the stronger their powers are, with the max amount of stars being 10. For example, a 1-star warrior is just a beginner in cultivation, just a little bit stronger than a normal person. But a 10-star warrior is able to go against an entire army of 1-star warriors. A superpower of an empire.

Even though everyone starts at 0-tier, everyone has different potential. Because each star is also divided into four tiers. From low tier, mid tier, then high tier, and finally top tier. Tiers show how strong people are in their respected star category. People with higher potential start on a higher tier. Super geniuses in the empire start their cultivation in 0-star top tier. So close to becoming a beginner of cultivation.

At the end of all the knowledge he just acquired, Xander saw something else, he found memories. Memories of the body that Xander has just reincarnated in.

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