
The Real Functions

Offers rarely seem what they appeared on the surface.

Everyone who attended the grand auction was clever enough to estimate the value of their own bids.

Ves seriously doubted that the mecher who rose up from his seat and presented the Zeta-65 Warp Interdictor was stupid to misjudge its value.

This was especially the case given that he was not making this offer on behalf of himself, but rather two very powerful figures.

Ves did not have a problem with the Spacelock. The aristocratic god pilot was not exactly the most approachable sort, but he could always be counted upon to remain professional in his interactions with others.

One point in the Spacelock's favor was that he had joined most of the other god pilots in supporting the establishment of the Red Collective. Perhaps what happened a few days ago may have given him a reason to favor greater cooperation.

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