
The Crucial Difference

The expeditionary fleet quietly traveled along the major space lanes. It was already on the way out of Winged Serenade and would soon cross over into the next star sector.

After that, the Larkinsons, Glory Seekers and Crossers would enter a different star cluster for the first time in their lives.

The vast majority of humans never traveled so far. The cost was great, the travel time was long and there were already many destinations to explore close at home.

Those who had the wealth, power and opportunity to leave their star cluster only consisted of a fraction of the total population of humanity.

Anyone who fell in this category of people were not necessarily better off. While there were plenty of galactic travelers who went on to achieve success, many more stumbled and fell along the way.

The Golden Skull Alliance was just the latest group of hopefuls who sought to escape the limitations of their home regions and bloom in a different environment.

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