
No Nonsense

Though Jovy firmly grasped the initiative in the first half hour, he no longer held it after Ves launched his counterattack!

"I wasn't born in the MTA." Ves started. "I didn't go to the best schools. While I gained some opportunities that boosted my career, I had to work harder and take more risks than you in order to catch up with the likes of you. While I acknowledge that you are likely far ahead of me in terms of knowledge and ability to design more advanced mechs, I believe I am ahead of you in at least one important criteria."

"And what is that?" Jovy frowned.

"Impact. My mechs are piloted by millions of people. In fact, my actual impact is far greater. The contributions I've made in the Sand War and the Komodo War have affected the lives of trillions of people. Even now, my mechs are so desirable that my mech company is starting to sell them in adjacent star sectors. Have you ever helped so many people with your mechs?"

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